Sameh Elsayed


University of Alberta


EXCPE 4285 - Environmental Site Assessment and Management

Introduction to the three phase approach for the management of contaminated sites in Alberta. Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment will be covered in detail. Risk Management Plan and remediation will also be reviewed. Alberta Site Assessment standards and the Alberta Tier 1 and 2 soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines will be utilized. Additional topics will include the applicability of risk management and/or site remediation to various sites. Case studies will be used to provide focus on contamination sources, characterization, transportation, and fate in the environment.

EXCPE 4286 - Remediation Technologies

This course investigates the different remediation technologies utilized for the remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater. The main remediation processes (engineering, physical, chemical, biological, and thermal) are studied. Description, applicability, advantages, limitations, time frames, potential health and safety issues, and cost of various technologies and key decision making factors are to be studied in this course. Case studies of contaminated sites with special emphasis on remediation technologies currently available for handling contaminated sites in Alberta will be explored.

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