Sheena Wilson, PhD

Professor, Campus Saint-Jean - Académique
English | Français


Professor, Campus Saint-Jean - Académique
(780) 493-1942
3-14 CSJ Pavillon Lacerte
8406 Marie-Anne-Gaboury St (91 St)
Edmonton AB
T6C 4G9


Area of Study / Keywords

CSJ Researchers - Interdisciplinary Multidisciplinary Transdisciplinary Research CSJ Researchers - Humanities and Social Sciences


INT D 225 - Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies

May require payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Offered by various departments depending upon the content of the course in a given year. [Faculty of Arts]

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Scholarly Activities

Research - After Oil

Started: 2015-

What is After Oil?

After Oil: Explorations and Experiments in the Future of Energy, Culture and Society” is a collaborative, interdisciplinary research partnership designed to explore, critically and creatively, the social, cultural and political changes necessary to facilitate a full-scale transition from fossil fuels to new forms of energy. To date, it has hosted to schools AO1 and AO2. AO2, which took place in May 2019 was focused on Solarities. The feminist solarities working group, which Dr. Wilson co-led with Jessie Beier, produced a range of public facing outputs. For more details on After Oil, AO1 and AO2, as well as the work of the Feminist Solarities Mirrorland Collective, see After Oil and Feminist Solarities.

Research - Just Powers

Started: 2017-

Just Powers is a research network focused on on socially just--which for our team means feminist, decolonial and indigenized--energy transition as a means to design more livable futures for all. There are several research project operating under the banner of Just Powers, including the

Speculative Energy Futures,


La cité résiliente: A Decade in Transition,

JP Podcast,

and more.

See for more information about the latest work of the Just Powers teams and its researchers.

Research - Petrocultures

Started: 2010-

I am the co-director of the Petrocultures Research Group--a project co-founded with Imre Szeman.

What is Petrocultures?

Petrocultures is a research group at the University of Alberta (founded in 2011) whose aim is to support, produce, and distribute research related to the social, cultural and political implications of oil and energy use on individuals, communities, and societies around the world. For more information, see the Petrocultures website.

Featured Publications

After Oil Collective

Minnesota University Press. 2022 April;

Sheena Wilson

South Atlantic Quarterly, Duke University Press. 2021 January; 120 ((1)):137-150 10.1215/00382876-8795779

Sheena Wilson

West Virginia University Press . 2020 October;

Bellamy, B. R., Wilson, S.

A Ecotopian Lexicon. 2019 January;

Wilson, S.

Materialism and the Critique of Energy. 2018 January;

Wilson, S., Carlson, A., Szeman, I

McGill-Queen's UP. 2017 January;

Wilson, S.

Fueling Culture: Energy, History, Politics. 2017 January;

Petrocultures Research Group / West Virginia Press. 2016 October;

Wilson, S.

Telling Truths: Storying Motherhood. 2016 May;

Wilson, S.

Oil Culture. 2014 January;

Wilson, S., Pendakis, A

Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies. 2012 September; 4 (1):213

Sheena Wilson

American Book Review. 2012 March; 33 (2):8-9

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