Colin Simonds
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept
EASIA 323 - Topics in East Asian Religions
Note: May be repeated for credit when course content differs. Prerequisite: EASIA 223 or RELIG 240, or consent of Department.
RELIG 103 - Introduction to Eastern Religious Traditions
An introduction to the major religious traditions originating in South and East Asia, including, but not limited to, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Confucianism, and Shinto. Note: not open to students with credit in RELIG 101.
RELIG 111 - Comparative Themes in World Religions
May be repeated for credit when course content differs.
RELIG 240 - Introduction to Buddhism
A study of the emergence of Buddhism as a religion, its basic ideas, spirituality, and literature.
RELIG 397 - Special Topics in Religious Studies