Stephanie La France
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Education - Master of Educational Studies
EDSE 442 - The Use of Computers in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
This course explores the uses of technology in the teaching and learning of secondary school mathematics. Prerequisite: Secondary mathematics majors and minors must have completed an EDSE curriculum course or the Introductory Professional Term. Teachers and Diploma students require consent of the Department.
EDU 548 - Playful Places of Learning in Mathematics Education
This course will examine and critique the design, implementation and assessment of places for learning in mathematics education with the intention of bringing forth playful (inter)actions among teachers/learners/mathematics/materiality. Exploration will include the qualities of playful engagement, and characteristics of tasks that encourage play in PreK-12 mathematics classrooms and beyond. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment, refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the University Regulations and Information for Students section of the Calendar.