Sarah Burton-MacLeod
Term Clin Asst Prof / Assistant Dean, OAW, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Office of Advocacy & Wellbeing
Assistant Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Office of Advocacy & Wellbeing
Division of Palliative Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept
Dr. Sarah Burton-MacLeod is a palliative care physician whose clinical practice is as part of the acute care consult teams in the Edmonton Zone.A graduate of Dalhousie University Medical School (2002) and Family Medicine Residency with Additional Enhanced Skills training in Palliative Care Medicine (2005) at the University of Alberta. She initially joined the Edmonton Zone Palliative Care Program in 2006. She previously worked with the Community Consult Team and also as an Attending Physician on the Tertiary Palliative Care unit at the Grey Nuns Hospitals in Edmonton. Her areas of interest include both pre and postgraduate education in palliative care. She currently serves as the Residency Program Director for the Enhanced Skills in Palliative Care and Adult Palliative Medicine residency programs at the University of Alberta and she is also the Assistant Dean Student Affairs in the Office of Advocacy and Wellbeing where she helps support undergraduate students in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. She joined as an Assistant Clinical Professor in 2007.