Lisa Smithson

ATS Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept


ATS Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept


PSYCH 104 - Basic Psychological Processes

Principles and development of perception, motivation, learning, and thinking and their relationship to the psychological functioning of the individual. Fulfillment of the 1/4 laboratory credit typically entails serving as a research participant, but can be fulfilled through the completion of alternative assignments. Note: PSYCH 104 is not a prerequisite for PSYCH 105. PSYCH 104 and 105 can be taken in either term, but not in the same term. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 223 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology

Introduction to biological, cognitive and social aspects of psychological development. Prerequisite: PSYCH 105. [Faculty of Arts]

PSYCH 239 - Abnormal Psychology

Nature and treatment of psychological disorders, such as cross-disciplinary perspectives and an emphasis on improving understanding of psychopathology in everyday life. Prerequisite: PSYCH 105. Not open to students with credit in PSYCH 339. [Faculty of Arts]

PSYCH 302 - Special Topics in Psychological Research

Review and discussion of special topics or methods in one or more of the areas of contemporary psychology such as experimental, perception, physiological, learning, memory, behavior, quantitative. Prerequisites: PSYCH 104, PSYCH 105 and one 200-level PSYCH course. Note: May be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. Consult the Department of Psychology website for the topics offered and any additional prerequisites. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 327 - Adolescent Development

Biological, cognitive, and social aspects of development that occur during the period from early to late adolescence. Prerequisite: PSYCH 223. [Faculty of Arts]

PSYCH 335 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology

The study of the profession of clinical psychology, including topics such as case studies to examine diagnosis and assessment, judgement and decision making, and psychotherapeutic and community interventions. Prerequisite: PSYCH 239. Not open to students with credit in PSYCH 435. [Faculty of Arts]

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