Shannon Sookochoff, MEd Curriculum and Instruction

Pronouns: she, her, hers


Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Rich Tasks Mathematics for Civil Discourse Proving Equity in Education Online Education


Shannon taught secondary mathematics from 1992 to 2020 with Edmonton Public Schools, conducting research in areas such as proving, visual reasoning, online education, and inquiry-based instruction. Her graduate work (1997-2000) revolved around polynomial mathematics using hand-made manipulatives to bridge learning from concrete to pictorial to symbolic. In Shannon’s last years in the classroom, she taught a small group of student survivors of trauma in inner-city Edmonton. Shannon has been teaching at the U of A since 2020 and is currently working on a book which calls on teachers to use classroom practice and notions of cognition to combat the global metacrisis and bring about a sustainable world.  In addition, Shannon Sookochoff plays the ukulele as well as can be expected.