Thomas Spalding, PhD

Professor, Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept


Professor, Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept
(780) 492-7778
P-581 Bio Science - Psychology Wing
11355 - Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E9


Area of Study / Keywords

Cognition Psycholinguistics Concepts Conceptual Combination Compound Words and Morphology


My research interests are broad, but all relate to the issue of how people combine information in the course of learning, comprehension, and inference. This overarching interest has led to research on psychology and philosophy of concepts, conceptual combination, memory, psycholinguistics of compound word processing, mathematical modelling and statistics, analytic reading, and expository writing.

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PSYCH 413 - Design and Analysis of Experiments in Psychology

Provides the background necessary to design and analyze data in any area of experimental psychology and prepares students to conduct original research. Topics include sampling distributions and hypothesis testing; issues in and analysis of between-subjects, within-subjects, and mixed designs; trend analysis; planned and post hoc comparisons; fixed and random effects factors; and efficiency and power of various experimental designs. Prerequisite: PSYCH 212, PSYCH 213 or STAT 151 or 161, and PSYCH 313 or STAT 252 or permission of the department. [Faculty of Science]

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