Stéphane Perreault, PhD, MA, BA

Chargé de cours / Academic Teaching Staff, Campus Saint-Jean - Campus Saint-Jean

Pronouns: He / Him

Personal Website:

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Chargé de cours / Academic Teaching Staff, Campus Saint-Jean - Campus Saint-Jean
CSJ Pavillon McMahon
8406 Marie-Anne-Gaboury St (91 St)
Edmonton AB
T6C 4G9


Area of Study / Keywords

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Marginality Indigeneity History of Health Gender and Sexuality


I am a scholar of Canadian history who is especially interested in deconstructing the colonial dynamics that have and continue to make up the Canadian settler identity. Originally from Québec, I have taught at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University before coming to Alberta to teach at Red Deer College (now Polytechnic) in 2007. I have been teaching at Campus Saint-Jean since 2022. In addition to my teaching and scholarly activity, I have been very active within the Alberta Francophone community, having been part of the boards of the Association canadienne-française de l'Alberta and the Société historique francophone de l'Alberta, and having chaired the Réseau santé albertain. I am also active in the SoTL community and I sit on the EDI committee of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE).


My graduate research focused on the history of the d/Deaf communities in Montréal from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Since coming to Alberta, my focus has shifted to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), with a specific interest in the intersection between the academic teaching of history and the practise of teachers of social studies in the K-12 system.


ETCAN 101 - Introduction à l'étude du Canada

Présente un survol de la vie au Canada dans sa spécificité, pouvant inclure les aspects artistique, culturel, politique, social, et économique; introduit au champ interdisciplinaire des Études canadiennes.

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