Shelley Ross, BSc, MA, PhD, MCFP (Hon)

Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Family Medicine Dept

Pronouns: she/her


Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Family Medicine Dept
(780) 248-1264
6-60K University Terrace
8303 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2T4


Area of Study / Keywords

assessment health professions education measurement and evaluation motivation family medicine


Shelley Ross is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta, where her main research and leadership roles are in the area of health professions education research. She is the Director, Research and Innovation, for the Teaching & Assessment Support Program and the Education Strategic Planning Team Lead for the Department. Dr. Ross holds a PhD in Measurement and Evaluation from the University of Victoria (2008). Dr. Ross’ main research program focus is examining and developing best practices in teaching and assessment, including competency-based education and assessment. She is involved in international consultation work in this area, in addition to work with the College of Family Physicians of Canada, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the Medical Council of Canada. Dr. Ross is the Past President of the Canadian Association for Medical Education. 


While my research spans multiple areas of health professions education, my main program of research focuses on competency-based assessment, from the perspective of assessment for learning. The work I have contributed to in developing and evaluating the Competency-Based Achievement System (CBAS) has been recognized across North America and the United Kingdom. In Canada, the Medical Council of Canada recommends CBAS as a tool for practice-readiness assessments of foreign-trained physicians. Further, the competency framework of Sentinel Habits (also developed by the CBAS team) is included in the Medical Council of Canada competency assessment recommendations. This far-reaching application of CBAS across disciplines within medical education in Canada has been significant. In addition, CBAS tools have been included in the Residency Assessment Toolkit of the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine in the United States. 

Featured Publications

Ross S, Lawrence K, Bethune C, van der Goes T, Pélissier-Simard L, Donoff M, Crichton T, Laughlin T, Dhillon K, Potter M, Schultz K.

Academic Medicine. 2023 February; 98 (2):188-198 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004750

Hamza DM, Hauer KE, Oswald A, van Melle E, Ladake Z, Zuna I, Assefa MK, Pelletier GN, Sebastianski M, Keto-Lambert D, Ross S

Medical Teacher. 2023 January; 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2168525

Cupido N, Ross S, Lawrence K, Bethune C, Fowler N, Hess B, van der Goes T, Schultz K.

Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2022 December; 27 (5):1213-1243 10.1007/s10459-022-10176-w

Ross S., Pirraglia C., Aquilina A.M., Zulla R.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2022 June; 44 (5):527-534 10.1080/0142159X.2021.2004307

Ross S., Hamza D., Zulla R., Stasiuk S., Nichols D.

Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2022 February; 14 (1):71-79 10.4300/JGME-D-21-00602.1

Ross S., Lee A.S.

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2021 December; 55 (12):1344-1346 10.1111/medu.14674

Hamza D.M., Ross S., Oandasan I.F.

CANADIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 2021 September; 67 (9):E249-E256 10.46747/cfp.6709e249

Richardson D., Kinnear B., Hauer K.E., Turner T.L., Warm E.J., Hall A.K., Ross S., Thoma B., Van Melle E.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 August; 43 (7):751-757 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1928036

Chan T., Oswald A., Hauer K.E., Caretta-Weyer H.A., Nousiainen M.T., Cheung W.J., and on behalf of the ICBME Collaborators

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 August; 43 (7):765-773 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925101

Hall J., Oswald A., Hauer K.E., Hall A.K., Englander R., Cheung W.J., and on behalf of the ICBME Collaborators

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 August; 43 (7):745-750 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925233

Touchie C., Kinnear B., Schumacher D., Caretta-Weyer H., Hamstra S.J., Hart D., Gruppen L., Ross S., Warm E., ten Cate O.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 August; 43 (7):780-787 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925642

Van Melle E., Hall A.K., Schumacher D.J., Kinnear B., Gruppen L., Thoma B., Caretta-Weyer H., Cooke L.J., Frank J.R., and n behalf of the ICBME Collaborators

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 August; 43 (7):794-800 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925640

Frank J.R., Snell L.S., Oswald A., Hauer K.E., and for the International CBME Collaborators

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 August; 43 (7):734-736 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1931083

Caretta-Weyer H.A., Chan T., Bigham B.L., Kinnear B., Huwendiek S., Schumacher D.J., and on behalf of the ICBME Collaborators

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 August; 43 (7):774-779 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925641

Hall A.K., Schumacher D.J., Thoma B., Caretta-Weyer H., Kinnear B., Gruppen L., Cooke L.J., Frank J.R., Van Melle E., and on behalf of the ICBME Collaborators

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 August; 43 (7):788-793 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925643

Touchie C., Kinnear B., Schumacher D., Caretta-Weyer H., Hamstra S.J., Hart D., Gruppen L., Ross S., Warm E., ten Cate O.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 July; 43 (7):780-787 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925642

Schumacher D.J., Cate O.t., Damodaran A., Richardson D., Hamstra S.J., Ross S., Hodgson J., Touchie C., Molgaard L., Gofton W., Carraccio C.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 July; 43 (7):737-744 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1924365

Richardson D., Kinnear B., Hauer K.E., Turner T.L., Warm E.J., Hall A.K., Ross S., Thoma B., Van Melle E.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 July; 43 (7):751-757 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1928036

ten Cate O., Schultz K., Frank J.R., Hennus M.P., Ross S., Schumacher D.J., Snell L.S., Whelan A.J., Young J.Q.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 July; 43 (7):817-823 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1928619

Ross S., Hauer K.E., Wycliffe-Jones K., Hall A.K., Molgaard L., Richardson D., Oswald A., Bhanji F.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 July; 43 (7):758-764 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925099

Ross S., Hauer K.E., Wycliffe-Jones K., Hall A.K., Molgaard L., Richardson D., Oswald A., Bhanji F.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 May; 43 (7):758-764 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925099

ten Cate O., Schultz K., Frank J.R., Hennus M.P., Ross S., Schumacher D.J., Snell L.S., Whelan A.J., Young J.Q.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 May; 43 (7):817-823 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1928619

Schumacher D.J., Cate O.t., Damodaran A., Richardson D., Hamstra S.J., Ross S., Hodgson J., Touchie C., Molgaard L., Gofton W., Carraccio C.

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 May; 43 (7):737-744 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1924365

Thoma B., Caretta-Weyer H., Schumacher D.J., Warm E., Hall A.K., Hamstra S.J., Cavalcanti R., Chan T.M., and on behalf of the ICBME Collaborators

MEDICAL TEACHER. 2021 May; 43 (7):801-809 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1925100

Adapting the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire for use with postgraduate medical education learners.

Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 April;

Lee A.S., Ross S.

MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2021 April; 55 (4):448-454 10.1111/medu.14378

Examining resident-entered vs preceptor-entered low stakes workplace-based assessments in competency-based medical education.

Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 April;

Narrative review of the use of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire.

Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 April;

Continuous Reflective Assessment for Training (CRAFT): A programmatic approach to competency-based assessment in residency training.

Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 February;

Effect of continuous versus episodic supervision on assessment.

Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 February;

Ten Cate O., Carraccio C., Damodaran A., Gofton W., Hamstra S.J., Hart D.E., Richardson D., Ross S., Schultz K., Warm E.J., Whelan A.J., Schumacher D.J.

ACADEMIC MEDICINE. 2021 February; 96 (2):199-204 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003800

Examining quality of feedback at initial implementation and seven years post-implementation of a Competency-based Medical Education innovation

Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 February;

Findings from six years of implementation of the Competency-Based Assessment System (CBAS) in two Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) enhanced skills residency programs.

Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 February;

Self-regulated learning behaviours of residents entering two different family medicine residency programs.

Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2021 February;

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