Sharon Springer
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Sociology Dept
SOC 225 - Criminology
Examination and attempted explanation of crime and juvenile delinquency, with an analysis of the social processes leading to criminal behaviour.
SOC 241 - Social Psychology
An introduction to the study of individual and group behaviour observed in social processes. Prerequisites: SOC 100, or PSYCH 104 or 105, or consent of instructor. Note: SOC 241 and PSYCH 241 may not both be taken for credit.
SOC 260 - Inequality and Social Stratification
Introduction to the study of structured social inequalities and poverty; major theoretical approaches; findings from key empirical studies, with emphasis on Canada. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 486 - Sociology of Mental Health and Illness
Sociological aspects of mental health and illness. Includes historical perspectives, diagnostic issues, and perspectives on causation and treatment. Prerequisite: SOC 224 or 382 or consent of instructor.