Shawn Douglas
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept
PSYCH 105 - Individual and Social Behavior
Introduction to the study of human individuality, personality, and social psychological processes. Some aspects of normal and abnormal human development, psychological assessment and treatment may be reviewed. Fulfillment of the 1/4 laboratory credit typically entails serving as a research participant but can be fulfilled through the completion of alternative assignments. Note: PSYCH 104 and 105 can be taken in either term, but not in the same term. [Faculty of Arts]
PSYCH 342 - Social Influence
Introduction to research on social influence, including theory and empirical research on conformity, compliance, and obedience. Prerequisites: PSYCH 241 or SOC 241. Note: Not open to students with credit in PSYCH 305 Topic: Social Influence. [Faculty of Arts].