Anne Summach, MN, NP

Assistant Teaching Professor, Faculty of Nursing

Pronouns: she, her, hers


Assistant Teaching Professor, Faculty of Nursing
(780) 248-5770
ECHA 4-213 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 1C9


Area of Study / Keywords

Older adults frailty NP utilization NP leadership


My clinical experience has included time in Adult Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Neurosciences, and Older Adult Medicine. It was my pleasure to direct an NP led clinic for older adults at Sage Seniors Association between 2018 and 2021. This inter professional clinic incorporated pharmacy, physiotherapy, social work, recreational programming and mental health therapy. The endeavor was inspiring and a real pleasure to participate in.

Academically I began teaching in the Faculty of Nursing in 2018 and currently serve as the NP program coordinator. I have been extensively involved in the development of the updated NP curriculum which was launched in fall 2020.


Research involvement has been in partnership with Sage Seniors Association and Healthcare Excellence Canada. Our team used a Virtual Frailty Screen (based on the Clinical Frailty Scale) to identify older adults at risk of or with moderate frailty and mobilized an additional geriatric assessment based on the WHO's Determinants of Healthy Aging to facilitate establishment of a functional improvement plan. DRAGONFLY connectors conducted the geriatric assessments and suggested a combination of social and medical prescriptions to help address areas of vulnerability on the assessment.

Currently working with Athabasca University and Sage Seniors Association on the Regional Centre for Healthy Aging, a project funded by the Canadian Frailty Network and the Max Bell Foundation.


I currently teach Advanced Pathophysiology, Advanced Health Assessment, and a combination of clinical management and consolidated NP practicum courses.


NURS 516 - Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning

The focus of this course is on the development of advanced assessment and diagnostic reasoning skills for common variations in health status. Students will apply concepts from advanced pathophysiology and advanced pharmacotherapeutics. Opportunities to apply clinical diagnostic reasoning skills and decision making required for the assessment of population focused health problems are provided through labs including clinical simulation, and a clinical practicum. An on campus intensive of 3-5 days may be held at the beginning of the term. Prerequisite or corequisite: NURS 507 and NURS 509.

NURS 533 - Consolidated Clinical Practicum I

The focus of this course is to provide a consolidated practicum experience in the role of the advanced practice nurse. By the end of this course students must practice progressively towards entry to practice nurse practitioner competencies. Prerequisite: NURS 532.

NURS 534 - Consolidated Clinical Practicum II

The focus of this course is to provide a consolidated practicum experience in the role of the advanced practice nurse. By the end of this course students must practice at the entry to practice level for expected graduate nurse practitioner competencies. Prerequisite: NURS 532.

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