Tomislav Terzin, PhD

Associate Professor, Augustana - Sciences


Associate Professor, Augustana - Sciences
(780) 679-1666
C109 Classroom Building
4901-46 Ave
Camrose AB
T4V 2R3



I am fascinated with colour patterns of living things.


 Under the challenging conditions of working at undergraduate campus with high teaching expectations, I have managed to establish a diverse, highly collaborative, low-cost and sustainable research program. My research program consists of three themes. Research revolves around extensive tropical invertebrate collection

Theme 1: Evolution and development of invertebrate colour patterns. In this theme I am mostly focused on the study of the information content of colour patterns, the evolution of mimicry, and the phylogenetic significance of colour patterns. This research supports my teaching in AUBIO 438, AUBIO 318 and AUBIO 419.

Theme 2: Description, definition and quantification of invertebrate mimicry and camouflage. This theme focusses on invertebrate zoology, entomology and taxonomy. This research also supports my teaching in AUART 298, AUBIO 318 and AUBIO 419.

Theme 3: Interdisciplinary application of invertebrate colour patterns in design, visual arts, aesthetics and conservation. This is a broad research theme which applies the knowledge from my field of expertise in new directions. This research depends on collaboration with specialists from other disciplines, and involves the application of biological colour patterns in the textile design, the study of aesthetics of colour patterns and various public initiatives in which colour patterns or particular specimens such as “the Augustana Moth” serve as catalysts for broader activities in arts, design and conservation.


My teaching philosophy, although still (and forever) evolving, can be at present formulated in seven statements:

1.    Successful teachers have a passion for teaching.
2.    Teaching has to be alive.
3.    The teacher has to be knowledgeable.
4.    Good teaching is a two-way process.
5.    Good teaching is a multi-channelled and multi-strategic endeavour which takes into account the specific needs of an individual student.
6.    Good teaching takes students out of their comfort zone, expanding their capabilities.
7.    Good teaching is a lifestyle and a mentorship.


AUBIO 111 - Functional Biology

An introduction to functional and from molecules to systems, focusing on how organisms integrate different levels of organization in order to live. This course covers key topics of biochemistry (metabolism, respiration, photosynthesis), cell biology (organelles, membranes, cell cycle), and physiology (gas exchange, circulation, osmoregulation, excretion). Prerequisites: Biology 30 and Chemistry 30.

AUBIO 260 - Principles of Genetics

Mendelian inheritance and its cytological features including the molecular and cellular basis for the transmission of hereditary characteristics. Topics that are emphasized include microbial genetics, cytoplasmic inheritance, linkage and genetic mapping, DNA as genetic material, gene action, and the genetic code. Prerequisites: AUBIO 111.

AUBIO 438 - Evolutionary Development Biology

Comparative study of the developmental processes of different organisms in an attempt to determine their ancestral relationships and how developmental processes evolved. Topics include the origin and evolution of embryonic development; how modifications of development and developmental processes lead to the production of novel features; the role of developmental plasticity in evolution; the origin of biodiversity; and the developmental basis of homology. Prerequisite: AUBIO 338.

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