Theresa Garvin, PhD, MUA, BA

Professor, Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin


Professor, Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin
(780) 492-4593
3-96 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H4



  • Garvin, T. 2019. The shifting Context of Academic Geography in Canada. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien. 63 (3), 405-412. [doi: 10.1111/cag.12538]
  • Cheesbrough, A.E., T. Garvin & C.I.J. Nykiforuk. 2019. Everyday Wild: Urban natural areas, health, and well-being. Health & Place 56, 43-52. [doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.01.005]
  • Driedger, M & T. Garvin. 2016. Media and Framing: Processes and Challenges. Practicing Qualitative Methods in Health Geographies edited by J. Baxter & N. Fenton. Geography of Health Series. Ashgate Publishers: Farnham, UK. pp 190-208. [doi: 9781472445391].
  • Garvin, T. 2016. Constructing Participation in the Regulation of Alberta’s Sour Gas. First World Petro-Politics: Political Ecology and Governance of Alberta edited by L. Adkin. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, ON. Pp 297-328.
  • Oromah, I.K., J.P. Richards, R. Summers, T. Garvin & T. McGee. 2015. Artisanal and Small-scale Mining in Nigeria: Experiences from Niger, Nasarawa and Plateau States. The Extractive Industries and Society. 2: 694-703. 
  • T. Garvin, B.J. McLennan, J. Calvo-Alvarado & A. Sanchez-Azofeifa. 2015. ‘Growing together’: Transnational policy networks and environmental policy change in Costa Rica. International Journal of Sustainable Society. 7, 1: 1-22. 
  • Pujadas-Botey, A., T. Garvin & R. Szostak. 2014. Interdisciplinary Research for Ecosystem Management. Ecosystems. 17, 3: 512-521.  [doi: 10.1007/s10021-013-9737-1].
  • Garvin, T., C.I.J. Nykiforuk & S. Johnson. 2012. Can we get old here? Seniors’ perceptions of seasonal constraints of neighbourhood built environments in a northern, winter city. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. 94, 4: 369-389. 
  • Garvin, T. 2012. The challenge of classifying ‘interdisciplinary research’: An exploration. Current Research Journal on Social Science. 14, 4: 323-331. 
  • Pujadas Botey, A., T. Garvin & R. Szostak. 2012. Ecosystem Management Research: Clarifying the Concept of Interdisciplinary Work. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. 37, 2: 160-178. 
  • McLennan, B.J. & T. Garvin. 2012. Heterogeneous land use and livelihood change during a forest transition in Costa Rica’s dry North West: Sustainability implications. Land Use Policy 29,1: 119-130. [doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2011.05.011]
  • McLennan, B.J. & T. Garvin. 2012. Fitting qualitative social research to the information needs of natural resource managers: A methodological trial. Society & Natural Resources 25:4, 400-409. [doi: 10.1080/08941920.2011.557827]
  • C. Furgal, T. Garvin & C. Jardine. 2010. Trends in the study of Aboriginal health risk in Canada. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 69,10: 321-332. 
  • Pujadas Botey, A. & T. Garvin. 2010. Interdisciplinary Research in Ecosystem Management: A Literature Evaluation. The International Journal of Science in Society. 1:4, 195-214. Available online at: 
  • Castleden, H., T. Garvin. & Huu-ay-aht First Nation. 2009. ‘Hishuk Tsawak’ (Everything is Connected): A Huu-ay-aht worldview for seeing forestry in British Columbia, Canada. Society & Natural Resources. 22:9, 789-804. [doi: 10.1080/08941920802098198]
  • Calvo-Alvarado, J., B. McLennan, G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa & T. Garvin. 2009. Deforestation and forest restoration in Guanacaste, Costa Rica: Putting conservation policies in context. Forest Ecology & Management. 258, 931-940. [doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2008.10.035]
  • Evans, J. & T. Garvin. 2009. “You’re in Oil Country” Moral tales of citizen action against petroleum development in Alberta, Canada. Ethics, Place & Environment. 12:1, 49-68. [doi: 10.1080/13668790902753070]
  • Garvin, T, T. McGee, K. Smoyer-Tomic, & E. Aubynn. 2009. Community-Company Relations in Gold Mining in Ghana. 2009. Journal of Environmental Management 90, 571-586.  [doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2007.12.014]
  • Masuda, J., & T. Garvin. 2008. Whose Heartland? The politics of place at the rural-urban interface. Journal of Rural Studies 24, 118-123. [doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2007.08.003]
  • Castleden, H., T. Garvin & Huu-ay-aht First Nation. 2008. Modifying Photovoice for Community-Based Participatory Indigenous Research. Social Science & Medicine. 66:6, 1393-1405.  [doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.11.030]
  • Masuda, J., T. McGee & T. Garvin. 2008. Power, knowledge, and public engagement: Constructing ‘citizenship’ in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. 10:4 pp 359-380.  [doi: 10.1080/15239080802332026]
  • Masuda, J., & T. Garvin. 2006. Place, culture, and the social amplification of risk. Risk Analysis. 26: 2. pp 437-454.  [doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2006.00749.x]
  • Sánchez-Azofeifa, G.A., M. Quesada, J.P. Rodríguez, J.M.. Nassar, K.E. Stoner, A. Castillo, T. Garvin, E.L. Zent, J. Calvo-Alvarado, M. Kalacska, L. Fajardo, J. Gamon and P. Cuevas-Reyes. 2005. Research priorities for Neotropical dry forests. Biotropica. 37:4 pp 477-485. [doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.00066.x]
  • Castleden, H & T. Garvin. 2004. Therapeutic landscape as sacred land: Wolf in sheep’s clothing? In Borders and Boundaries. (J. Oakes, R. Riewe, Y. Belanger, S. Blady, K. Legge & P. Wiebe, Eds.). Winnipeg: Aboriginal Issues Press. pp. 86-96
  • Williams, A. & T. Garvin. 2004. Taking stock: Geographical perspectives on women and health in Canada. The Canadian Geographer 48:1 pp 29-34.  [doi: 10.1111/j.1085-9489.2004.003b16.x]
  • Garvin, T. & R. G. Lee. 2003. Reflections on the ‘Policy Relevant Turn’ in social justice research. Social Justice 30:4 pp 40-53.
  • Lee, R.G. & T. Garvin. 2003. Moving from information transfer to information exchange in health and health care. Social Science & Medicine 56. pp. 449-464. 
  • Garvin, T. & J. Eyles. 2001. Public Health Responses for Skin Cancer Prevention: The Policy Framing of Sun Safety in Australia, Canada and England. Social Science & Medicine 53. pp. 1175-1189. 
  • 24. Garvin, T. 2001. Analytical Paradigms: The Epistemological Distances between Scientists, Policymakers and the Public. Risk Analysis. 21:3. pp 443-455. 
  • Anaya, F. C., E. Arias, R. Barbosa, A. Castillo Alvarez, A. P. Botey, T. Garvin, B. McLennan, F. Monge Romero, G. Obelmejias, F. Rodríguez Barrientos and E. L. Zent. 2008. Social Sciences. In: Manual of Methods: Human, Ecological and Biophysical Dimensions of Tropical Dry Forests. (J. M. Nassar, J. P. Rodríguez, A. Sánchez-Azofeifa, T. Garvin and M. Quesada, Eds.). Ediciones IVIC, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Caracas, Venezuela. pp. 81-95. Contributions: Wrote first draft of chapter; led development of conceptual & methodological development; contributed to revision & editing. (NOTE: Authors for chapters of this book were presented in alphabetical order).
  • Castleden, H & T. Garvin. 2004. Therapeutic landscape as sacred land: Wolf in sheep’s clothing? In Borders and Boundaries. (J. Oakes, R. Riewe, Y. Belanger, S. Blady, K. Legge & P. Wiebe, Eds.). Winnipeg: Aboriginal Issues Press. pp. 86-96. Contributions: Conceptual input; co-wrote manuscript.
  • Wilson, K, T. Garvin & C. McMullan. 1999. The Bronzed Aesthetic: The Social Construction of Women’s Tanning. Women’s Voices in Health Promotion. (M. Denton, M. Hajdukowski-Ahmed, M. O’Connor & I. Zeytinoglu, Eds.). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. pp 204-216. Contributions: Funded research; supervised data collection & analysis; co-wrote manuscript.


Research area
  • Aging and urban/suburban environments
  • Policy development, implementation and analysis
  • Community, health & environmental issues
  • Geography of health and health care
  • Science, policy and social processes
Research interests:

Dr. Garvin's primary research interests are at the intersections between health, communities, and environmental issues. She utilizes social science methods to investigate how people interact with their environments, how environments influence human health, and the role of space and place in people's constructions of nature. 

Research opportunities:

Students with the following qualifications are encouraged to contact Dr. Garvin directly about research opportunities:

  • Excellent academic qualifications (3.4 cumulative GPA or higher)
  • Undergraduate degree(s) in social or health sciences
  • Ability to work independently
  • Skills in quantitative and/or qualitative social data analysis
  • Interest in working in large, team-based research environments.


HGP 100 - Introduction to Human Geography & Planning

HGP 443/543 - Environment and Health

HGP 399 - Research Methods in Human Geography