Tom Hinch, PhD


Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Academic Programs
(780) 492-2759
4-413 Van Vliet Complex - West
8831 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H9



PhD (Geography), University of Western Ontario, 1991
MA (Recreation), 1984
BA (Economics, Political Science), 1978

Dr. Hinch has drawn on his multidisciplinary background to establish a research and teaching program in the area of tourism.

He has used his own background in sport, recreation and travel as an inspiration for his research. Examples include a hockey study abroad experience in Moscow as an undergraduate student; cycle touring in Canada, New Zealand and Europe; and numerous academic-based trips in places throughout Asia, South America and Africa.

In 1998, he spent his sabbatical year at the University of Otago in Dunedin where he met and initiated a sport tourism research program with Dr. James Higham. This collaboration has continued to be fruitful including the publication of two jointly authored books.

Dr. Hinch also spent a decade in various administrative roles with the Faculty including Associate Dean Community and International Engagement. He remains a strong advocate for student based international and community experiences.


Higham, J. & Hinch, T. (2018) Sport Tourism Development (3rd ed.). Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications.

Moyle, B.D., Hinch, T.D., & Higham, J.E.S. (2018) Sport Tourism and Sustainable Destinations. London: Routledge. (reprint of special issue by Hinch, Higham & Moyle, 2016).

Recent Articles & Chapters:

Hinch, T., Higham, J. & Doering, A. (2018). Sport, tourism and identity: Japan, rugby union and the transcultural maul. In D. Hassan & C. Acton (Eds.). Sport & Contested Identity, pp 191-206. London: Routledge.

Hinch, T. & Ito, E. (2018). Sustainable Sport Tourism in Japan: Issues and Challenges. Tourism Planning and Development. 15 (1), 96-101. 

Hinch, T. & Kono, S. (2018). Ultramarathon runners’ perception of place: a photo based analysis. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 22(2), 109-130. 

Hinch, T. & Acharya, B. (2017), The Politics of Tourism in Cuba, In R.W. Butler and W. Suntikul (Eds.) Tourism and Political Change, pp. 138-152 (2nd edition), Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers.

Hinch, T. & Holt, N. (2017). Sustaining places and participatory sport tourism events. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(8), 1084 – 1099. 

Ito, E., & Hinch, T. (2017). Kokunai supotsu tsurizumu kenkyu no keitouteki rebyu [A systematic review of sport tourism research in Japan]. Taiikugakukenkyu [Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences]. 62(2), 773-787.


Dr. Hinch’s research interest focuses on sport based travel in particular and sustainable tourism development more generally. He studies the way that people who travel for sport connect to the places that they visit. His earlier research programs included the study of tourism and indigenous peoples as well as tourism in Canada’s north.

Distinguished University Professor, Sport Tourism Research Institute, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan


RLS 350 Public Policy in Recreation, Sport and Tourism
RLS 463 Issues in Tourism Development