Tim Grain Joseph, PhD, PEng


Faculty of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Mining Engineering


Research Interests

  1. scaled rapid dampening suspension for ultra class oil sand haulers and
  2. scale tire – oil sand interaction. The next area will combine the two pieces of work and conduct large scale field testing looking at multi component (suspension – tire – ground) interactions.
  3. Cyclic performance of oil sand under extreme adverse loading conditions is a separate piece of work. These projects draw considerable field assistance and participation from industry.

Research projects currently in progress

  1. Cyclic performance of shovel hoist ropes
  2. real time hauler g-level structural and tonne-kilometre-per-hour analysis
  3. rolling resistance change, hauler fuel usage and emissions
  4. vibration induced deterioration of oil sand ground beneath in-pit operating crushers
  5. use of emulsions as water inflow blockers in sandstone and other porous media

Dr. Joseph has been served as the Associate Dean, Student & Co-op Services of the Faculty of Engineering since 2013.