Trudy Cardinal, PhD, MEd, BEd
Professor, Faculty of Education - Elementary Education
- Phone
- (780) 492-8294
- Address
251 Education Centre - South
11210 - 87 Ave NWEdmonton ABT6G 2G5
Dr. Trudy Cardinal is a Cree/Métis educator from Northern Alberta. As a former Elementary School teacher of 13 years, a mother, a grandmother, an aunty, and an Indigenous scholar she is dedicated to continuing to deepen understanding of the educational experiences of First Nations, Metis & Inuit children, youth and families. Her current research is an inquiry into former teacher education students' thinking in regards to the possibilities relational pedagogies and Indigenous ways of being and knowing create for shifting how schooling attends to literacy, particularly literacy in an Indigenous context.
Academic Credentials
Bachelor of Education (Elementary Generalist), University of Alberta, 1995
Master of Education (Indigenous Peoples Education specialization), University of Alberta, 2010
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Alberta, 2014
Trudy Cardinal’s research lends itself to: Identity negotiations of Aboriginal children, youth and families in and out of schools, narrative inquiry, Indigenous research, and teacher education.
Clandinin and Connelly (1998), write in the context of the education of children:
As we think about our own lives and the lives of teachers and children with whom we engage, we see possibilities for growth and change. As we learn to tell, to listen and to respond to teachers’ and children’s stories, we imagine significant educational consequences for children and teachers in schools and for faculty members in universities through more mutual relations between schools and universities. (pp. 246-247)
In my teaching in the past, in an elementary public school setting, and now as a university professor, I am aware that the relational way I engage in those activities resonates with Clandinin and Connelly’s understanding of teaching, as an experience that is relational and that takes a stance of inquiry, where people interact to tell, retell, live and relive their experiences. Embedded in this process are inherent possibilities to shift lives. I think about Cole’s (1989) words and I continue to be aware that the telling, retelling, living and reliving of experiences calls forth obligations and ways of interacting and responding to and with one another.
Attending to how my students are experiencing my teaching will require a wakefulness and attentiveness to be present in all our interactions. Excellent teaching will require that I remain faithful to the relational ontology that is also part of narrative inquiry and paying attention to the relational and relational knowing while also acknowledging that lives are always in the midst.
EDEL 409 - Teaching Literature in Elementary Schools
Topics include an exploration of the various genres of children's literature, authors and illustrators, strategies for planning and implementing a literature-based program across the elementary curriculum, response activities, and resources for teaching. Prerequisite: An introductory curriculum and instruction course in language learning; or consent of Department.
EDEL 495 - Seminar in Group Projects in Elementary Education II
Prerequisite: consent of Department. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.
EDEL 595 - Special Seminar in Elementary Education: Selected Topics
Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.
Featured Publications
Cardinal, T., Murphy, M. S., Huber, J., & Pinnegar, S.
Studying Teacher Education. 2022 January;
Huber, J., Cardinal, T., & Murphy, M.S.
Frontiers in Education. 2022 January; 6
Branch-Mueller, J., Pegg, J. ., Kim, M., & Cardinal, T.
Brock Education Journal. 2021 March; 30 (1):30-50
Pinnegar, S., Murphy, M.S., Cardinal, T., & Huber, J.
In J. Kitchen (Ed.), Writing as a Method for the Self-Study of Practice. 2021 January;
Cardinal, T.
In B. Brantford (Ed.), The Doctoral Journey: International Educationalist Perspectives. 2021 January;
Steinhauer, E., Cardinal, T., Higgins, M., Madden, B., Steinhauer, N., Steinhauer, P., Underwood, M. Wolfe, A., Cardinal, B.
In S. Cote-Meek & T. Moeke-Pickering (Eds.), Decolonizing and indigenizing education in Canada. 2020 January;
Cardinal, T., Murphy, S. & Huber, J.
Narrativas en la formación del profesorado. 2019 January;
Cardinal, T., & Fenichel, S.
In Ross. V, Chan, E. and Keyes, D.K. (Eds). Crossroads of the Classroom: Narrative Intersections of Teacher Knowledge and Subject Matter. 2017 January;
Cardinal, T.
Alberta Voices. 2016 November; 13 (1):27-30
Lange, E., Chovanec, D., Cardinal, T., Kajner, T., & Smith Acuña, N.
Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education. 2015 June; 27 (3):83-104
Trudy Cardinal
Canadian Social Studies. 2015 January; 48 (1):1-7
Cardinal, T., Lambert, L., & Lamouche, S.
The Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society. 2015 January; 22 (2):8-22
Cardinal, T.
Education & Research Archive (ERA). 2014 April;
Cardinal, T.
LEARNing Landscapes. 2011 January; 4 (2):79-91
Cardinal, T.
Education & Research Archive (ERA). 2010 December;