Tian Tang, PhD, PEng
Professor, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept
Professor, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept
- ttang1@ualberta.ca
Area of Study / Keywords
Website: https://sites.ualberta.ca/~ttang1/ Mechanics And Materials Elasticity And Solid Mechanics Composites And Polymers Nano And Micro Materials Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering Biomaterials
EN PH 131 - Mechanics
Kinematics and dynamics of particles; gravitation; work and energy; linear momentum; angular momentum; systems of particles; introduction to dynamics of rigid bodies. Prerequisites: MATH 100 or 117, and ENGG 130. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 118. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.