Victor Silva

ATS Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Computing Science


ATS Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Computing Science


CMPUT 404 - Web Applications and Architecture

Introduction to modern web architecture, from user-facing applications to machine-facing web-services. Topics include: the evolution of the Internet, relevant technologies and protocols, the architecture of modern web-based information systems, web data exchange and serialization, and service-oriented middleware. Prerequisites: CMPUT 291 and 301.

OM 488 - Selected Topics in Operations Management

Normally restricted to third- and fourth-year Business students. Prerequisites will depend on topic but may include: MGTSC 312, OM 352 or consent of Department. Additional prerequisites may be required.

OM 686 - Selected Topics in Operations Management

Topics may vary from year to year. Students should check with the MBA Office for pre/corequisites of specific sections.

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