Wenjie Chen

Assistant Executive Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Finance


Assistant Executive Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Finance
(780) 492-0482
1-23C Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6


FIN 413 - Risk Management

This course examines the markets and valuation models for options and future contracts, and their application to hedging and the valuation of the other financial contracts. Prerequisite: FIN 301.

FIN 414 - Operation of Financial Institutions

Well-functioning capital markets are essential for economic growth. The allocation of scarce resources requires accurate prices and this includes accurate prices for investment capital (i.e., the cost of capital). This course examines the roles played by various financial intermediaries as they engage in activities that enhance the functionality of capital markets, the risks faced as they do so, and the ways that these risks are managed. At the end of this course you should understand the economic role of financial intermediaries in general, the risks faced by specific types of financial intermediaries as they fulfill their roles, and techniques for measuring and managing the risks. Success in this course requires a sound grasp of business fundamentals, critical thinking and problem solving, communication skills, and the application of quantitative methods. Prerequisite: FIN 301. Students may not receive credit for both FIN 414 and ECON 341.

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