Yannick Desranleau

Assistant Professor in Art & Design (Sculpture and Expanded Media), Faculty of Arts - Art & Design Dept


Assistant Professor in Art & Design (Sculpture and Expanded Media), Faculty of Arts - Art & Design Dept


ART 360 - Structural Sculpture I

Introductory studies in sculpture with a focus on the constructed object. A range of approaches are introduced which may include woodworking, welding, assemblage, etc. Prerequisites: ART 134 and DES 135, or ART 136 and DES 138, or consent of the Department.

ART 361 - Formed Sculpture l

Foundation studies in sculpture with a focus on the formed object. Approaches may include modelling in clay, mold making, casting and carving. Prerequisites: ART 134 and DES 135, or ART 136 and DES 138, or consent of the Department.

ART 460 - Structural Sculpture II

Intermediate studies in sculpture with a focus on the constructed object. Approaches may include but are not limited to woodworking, welding and assemblage. Prerequisites: ART 360 or consent of the Department.

ART 461 - Formed Sculpture II

Intermediate studies in sculpture with a focus on the formed object. Approaches may include but are not limited to modelling in clay, mold making and casting. Prerequisites: Any 3 units of ART 36X, or consent of the Department. Note: Students are strongly recommended to take ART 361 before taking ART 461.

ART 538 - Special Projects in Studio Disciplines: Advanced

Normally offered in Spring/Summer. Prerequisite: consent of the Department.

ART 550 - Sculpture & Expanded Media: Advanced Studio with Professional Practice

Advanced individual study in Media Arts and/or Sculpture and professional art practice. Prerequisites: 12 units from: (ART 35X, ART 45X, ART 36X, or ART 46X including at least 6 units ART 45X and/or ART 46X) OR (ART 35X or ART 36X, AND 6 units from 400-level ART) or consent of Department.

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