Yvonne Wong

ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Psychology Science


ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Psychology Science


PSYCH 104 - Basic Psychological Processes

Principles and development of perception, motivation, learning, and thinking and their relationship to the psychological functioning of the individual. Fulfillment of the 1/4 laboratory credit typically entails serving as a research participant, but can be fulfilled through the completion of alternative assignments. Note: PSYCH 104 is not a prerequisite for PSYCH 105. PSYCH 104 and 105 can be taken in either term, but not in the same term. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 213 - Introduction to Data Analysis in Psychology I

Introduces basic analytical concepts and methods used in conducting and interpreting psychological research. Students will begin to learn how to summarize, interpret, and draw inferences from psychological data. This course covers quantitative and qualitative forms of data and data management; explores fundamental principles used in psychometric, neuroscientific, and behavioural analyses; and examines analytical techniques necessary for assessing frequency, associative, and causal claims. Fulfillment of the 1 hour lab component typically involves the completion of analysis assignments. Prerequisites: PSYCH 104 or PSYCH 105. [Faculty of Science] Note: This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in STAT 151 or 161, KIN 109, PEDS 109, PTHER 352, or SOC 210.

PSYCH 275 - Brain and Behavior

An introduction to brain mechanisms involved in sensation, perception, movement, motivation, learning, and cognition, as studied in both humans and lower animals. Prerequisites: PSYCH 104 or SCI 100. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 371 - The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the neural basis of learning and memory. The course begins with a review of the historical background, experimental methods, and principles of neurobiology. Learning and memory are then analyzed at different levels of biological organization, including molecular, cellular, neural circuit, neural system, and behavioral levels. Prerequisite: PSYCH 275. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 377 - Human Neuropsychology

Brain basis of cognition viewed through the lens of patients with brain damage. Topics include mood, motivation, perception, motor control, attention, memory, language, assessment and rehabilitation. Prerequisite: PSYCH 275. [Faculty of Science]

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