Ajijala, Janet
Business Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Alfonso, Julio
Development Officer, LAG |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Allan, Cathy
Prospect Research Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Andrews, Amy
Donor Relations Coordinator |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Enterprise Square |
Armfelt, Gregory
Advancement Records Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Ash, Gregory
Assoc Director Donation Serv |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3rd Floor Enterprise Square |
Au, Ka Man
Prospect Research Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Au, Shermie
Prospect Research Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Aune, Krista
Development Officer, Planned Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Baillie, Kristy
Donor Relations Officer |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Baird, Ashleigh
Development Associate |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Baril, Colin
Director, Alumni Relations & Executive Director, Alumni Association |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Bhegani, Mariam
Donation Processing Associate |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-345 Enterprise Square |
Bissell, Stacey
Prospect Research and Corporate Records Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Braithwaite, Maria
Development Officer, LAG |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Brulotte, Jocelyn
Program Coordinator, Faculty Development |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
5th Floor Edmonton Clinic Health Academy |
Captain, Katherine
Dir, Principal Gifts Strat&Ini |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Carstensen, Jennifer
Donation Processing Associate |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Chabaylo, Amelia
Project Lead, Events |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-684C Enterprise Square |
Chambrinho, Joseph
Manager, Leadership Annual Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Chin, Nadim
Manager, Venture Mentoring Service |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Enterprise Square |
Christensen, Mark
Advancement Records Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Coley, Sandra
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Colizza, Melissa
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Czuy, Leann
Executive Assistant |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-501 Enterprise Square |
D'Souza, Corrine
Executive Coordinator, Development |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
2-25 South Academic Building |
Daberer, Chris
Program Lead, Regional Chapter |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Enterprise Square |
Doan, Giale
Lead, Donation Processing |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-365D Enterprise Square |
Dogbe, Justine
Program Facilitator, VMS |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Dyck, Heather
Development Associate, Principal Gifts |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
2-25 South Academic Building |
Dziwenko, Tyler
Coordinator, Development Programs |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Edwards, Cheryl
Assistant/Alumni Recognition |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
1-050 Enterprise Square |
Elliott, Colleen
Manager, Events |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-681 Enterprise Square |
Equiza, Ale
Develop Assoc,Foundatn Relatns |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Ermantrout, Kelsie
Donation Processing Assistant |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Enterprise Square |
Fabrizio, Hilary
Associate Director, Planned Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Fennema, Ray
Systems Administrator |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-640B Enterprise Square |
Fitzgerald, Kathy
Manager, Major Gifts & Planned Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Gawalko, Kathryn
Coordinator, Events |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Enterprise Square |
Graham, Coleen
Director, Strategic Alumni Par |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-501 Enterprise Square |
Gruhlke, Stephanie
Project Lead, Events |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Hansen, Joanne
Dir, Principal Gifts Strat&Ini |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
2-25 South Academic Building |
Hareuther, Lisa
Program Lead, Alumni Council |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Hemmingson, David
Manager, IS Projects |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Herrera, Gonzalo
Assoc Dir Office of Corp & Fnd |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-501 Enterprise Square |
Hess, Isabel
Development Officer |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Hetu, Elise
Program Lead, Faculty Engagement |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Holt, Kate
Senior Donor Relations Officer |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-653B Enterprise Square |
Hruczkowski, Lynn
Senior Consultant, Alumni and Development |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Hyun, Min
Advancement Records Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Itegboje, Onosekoghene
Assistant, Volunteers |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Jennax, Jennifer
Director, Advancement Services |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Jou, Mien
Senior Recording Officer |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-601 Enterprise Square |
Keehn, Debra
PSII, Venture Mentoring Servic |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
1-051A Enterprise Square |
Kendrick, Desiree
Faculty Engagement Lead |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Kennedy, Jessica
Program Lead, Alumni Relations (Business & Law) |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Kim, Ha Neul
Development Officer, Leadership Annual Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
King, Denise
Alumni Council & Chapters Coor |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
King, Matthew
Programmer Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-053A Enterprise Square |
Knezevich, Amy
Prgm Lead, Alumni Recognition |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Enterprise Square |
Kubke, Jakob
Data Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Kupchenko, Katherine
Prog Lead, Faculty Enagagement |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Kwan, Holly
Business Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Le, Daniel
Development Officer, Principal Gifts Strat&Ini |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
2-25 South Academic Building |
Le, Minh Thien
Gift Processing Associate |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Leano, Tabby
Advancement Records Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Litwin, Jodeen
Senior Donor Relations Officer |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-358 Enterprise Square |
Livingstone, Chelsea
Program Lead, Regional Chapters |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
1-050 Enterprise Square |
Liviniuk, Rena
Manager, Prospect Management & Research |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Ma, Donna
Dev. Associate, Planned Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Mair Sánchez, Marina
Advisor, Donation Services |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-652A Enterprise Square |
Martínez Sanchez, Carolina
Development Associate |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
McAnally, Christine
Manager, Donor Relations |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
McKay, Danielle
Manager, Advancement Records |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Michael, Derek
Director, University Development |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-515 Enterprise Square |
Michel, Katia
Entity Program Administrator, Information Services |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Midgley, Julie
Data Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Millen Worre, Katherine
Director, Faculty Development, CNAS & CSSH |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Morasch, Maegan
Donor Relations Officer |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Enterprise Square |
Murray, Michelle
Development Officer, Planned Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Nguyen, Duy
IM Lead |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Nguyen, Lien (Leah)
Donation Processing Assistant |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Oad, Rashmeen
Donation Processing Associate |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Ojo, Dara
Advisor Prospect Management |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Ong, Lauren
Development Officer, Leadership Annual Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Paine, Kerri
Advisor, Donation Services |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Penner, Lindsay
Grant Writer |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-501 Enterprise Square |
Perotta Dias, Fabiana
Project Lead, Events |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Perrino, John
Manager, Regional Chapters |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
1-067 Enterprise Square |
Petrova, Kira
Donation Processing Associate |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Philpott, Krista
Assistant/Edmonton Programs |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Radford, Emma
Donor Relations Officer, Donor Relations |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Regnier, Yvonne
Program Coordinator, Advancement Services |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Richter, Jodi
Coord Campus Chapters/Fac Eng |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
2-276B Enterprise Square |
Rodriguez, Nicole Anne Marie
Development Officer, LAG |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Rondeau, Ryan
Manager, Information Services |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Rouleau, Danielle
Project Lead, Events |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Salmon, Tracy
Director, Alumni Programs |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-501 Enterprise Square |
Sekulich, Laurie
Donor Relations Coordinator |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
ESQ 3-600 Enterprise Square |
Shantz, Erin
Development Associate, Principal Gifts |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
2-25 South Academic Building |
Sharma, Namrta
Development Associate, Principal Gifts |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
2-25 South Academic Building |
Shippit, Kathleen
Faculty Engagement Lead |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Siebert, Michael
Program Coordinator |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-025 Enterprise Square |
Smith, Kane
Data Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Sorensen, Steven
Senior Prospect Research Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Spencer, Kelly
Associate Vice-President (Adv) |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
2-25J South Academic Building |
Stoik, Kristen
Program Coordinator |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Svensen, Chantelle
Manager, Development Programs |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Syeda, Sara
Program Lead, Gift Acpt.& Proc |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Szafranski, Darryl
Events Officer |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-501 Enterprise Square |
Tourand, Yana
Coordinator, Agreements |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Treige, Jo-Ann
Advancement Records Analyst |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Wagner, Courtney
Program Lead, Volunteers |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Enterprise Square |
Wang, Meng
Development Officer, Leadership Annual Giving |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-600 Enterprise Square |
Warkentin, Vi
Assistant, Campus Chapters |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
1-078 Enterprise Square |
Weaver, Matt
Recording Secretary |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-604 Enterprise Square |
Welz, Vanessa
Program Lead, Faculty Engagement & Affinity |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-601 Enterprise Square |
Widmeyer, Meloday Grace
Annual Giving Associate |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
Yachimec, Katy
Program Lead, Online Engagement |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |
3-691A Enterprise Square |
Yiu, Tracy
Assistant/Alumni Recognition |
VER Development and Alumni Relations |