Andrew Leach, PhD, MA, LLM, BSc
Personal Website:
Professor, Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept
- Address
7-28 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NWEdmonton ABT6G 2H4
Professor, Faculty of Law
- Address
475 Law Centre
8820 - 111 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2H5
Co-Director, Institute of Public Economics, Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept
Area of Study / Keywords
energy policy environmental policy climate change policy environmental economics energy economics oil sands carbon capture and storage constitutional law Alberta's economy
Andrew Leach is an energy and environmental economist who holds a joint appointment with the University of Alberta’s Faculties of Arts and Law. With more than two decades of experience as a researcher, Leach is also a co-director of the Institute for Public Economics at the U of A. Prior to these appointments, Leach was a professor in the Alberta School of Business.
Leach holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental science and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Guelph, a doctoral degree in economics from Queen’s University and a master’s degree in constitutional law from the U of A. Before joining the U of A, he was a teaching fellow at Queen’s University in the economics department, then an assistant professor at HEC Montréal’s Institute of Applied Economics and later a visiting scholar at the Strategic Policy Branch of Environment Canada. He also served as academic director of the Centre for Applied Business Research in Energy and the Environment (CABREE) at the Alberta School of Business between 2014 and 2022.
By drawing on his expertise in constitutional law, environmental science and environmental economics, Leach has advised various levels of government on climate change and oil and gas industry policies, including serving as chair of the Government of Alberta’s Climate Leadership Panel in 2015. Leach has appeared multiple times as an expert witness before Standing Committees of the Senate and the House of Commons. Leach has served as an economics and policy consultant for Environment and Climate Change Canada and other federal government departments, the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE), the Auditors General of Alberta and Canada, Alberta Environment, Alberta Finance and Enterprise, and Alberta Energy. Leach is also a contributing writer to a variety of news publications, with over 200 articles published by major media outlets such as CBC News, The Globe and Mail, and Maclean’s.
Outside of his academic endeavours, Leach volunteers his time as board chair for the REACH Edmonton Council for Safer Communities. He also enjoys cycling and serves on the board of Edmonton Juventus Cycling Club.
Research Interests
- Environmental Economics
- Resource Economics
- Energy Economics
- Environmental Law
- Climate Change Policy
Teaching Interests
- Energy Markets and Economics
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental Law and Policy
- Utilities Law
ECON 366 - Energy Economics
The economics of producing and consuming energy: pricing, role in economic growth; energy sources and markets; the role of government; regulation and other energy policy issues. Prerequisites: ECON 109 and ECON 281.
LAW 599 - Seminars on Specialized Legal Topics
These seminars will cover specialized topics of emerging importance in the law at a senior level. The particular topic covered would vary dependent on the availability of Faculty with necessary teaching competence, student interest, and the needs of the legal profession. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.
Scholarly Activities
Research - Conflict of Interest Disclosure
On January 5th, 2012, the American Economics Association adopted new guidelines for the disclosure of potential conflicts of interests by economists. I am very supportive of this initiative. Please find my disclosure on my blog site here: Conflict of Interest Disclosure.
Conflict of Interest DisclosureResearch - Data and Coding Projects Page
Coding and Data Projects Page
Research - Google Scholar
Google Scholar Page
Research - Occasional Energy Charts
Energy charts, often published in collaboration with University of Alberta students.
Occasional energy chartsOther - Opinion writing
Opinion Archive
Other - Personal Blog
Rescuing the Frog
Featured Publications
Mark Droessler, Andrew Leach
Energy Policy. 2024 March; 10.1016/j.enpol.2024.113982
I can't believe it's not butter. What we can (and can't) learn about emissions quotas from supply management and the grain trade
Andrew Leach
UBC Law Review. 2023 July; 56 (2):TBD
Nigel Bankes and Andrew Leach
Alberta Law Review. 2023 July; 60 (4):TBD
Benjamin Thibault, Tim Weis, and Andrew Leach
Mark S. Winfield (ed.) Sustainable Energy Transitions in Canada; Challenges and Opportunities. 2023 January;
Andrew Leach
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. 2022 December; 10.1080/11926422.2022.2120508
Sara Hastings-Simon, Andrew Leach, Blake Shaffer and Tim Weis
Energy Policy. 2022 November; 171 (113266):1-12 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.113266
William Noel, Tim Weis, Qiulin Yu, Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2022 October; Volume 167 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112690
Leach, Andrew
Alberta Law Review. 2021 October; 59 (1):7-40
Bankes, Nigel, Andrew Leach and Martin Z. Olzynski
Energy Regulation Quarterly. 2021 September; 9 (2):27-57
Leach, Andrew
Ottawa Law Review. 2021 January; 52 (2):97-156
Leach, Andrew and Nic Rivers and Blake Shaffer
Canadian Public Policy. 2020 June; 46 (S2):S145-S159 10.3138/cpp.2020-060
Martin Z. Olzynski, Nigel Bankes, and Andrew Leach
Journal of Environmental Law and Practice. 2020 June; 33 (2):159-184
Leach, Andrew and Branko Boskovic
Canadian Journal of Economics. 2020 April; 53 (2):526-562 10.1111/caje.12436
Andrew Leach and Eric M. Adams
Constitutional Forum. 2020 February; 29 (1) 10.21991/cf29392
Heyes, Anthony, Andrew Leach and Charles F. Mason
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 2018 July; 12 (2):242-263 10.1093/reep/rey006
Leach, Andrew and Trevor Tombe
SPP Communiqué. 2016 July; 8 (11):1-14
Chakravorty, Ujjayant, Andrew Leach, and Michel Moreaux
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2012 January; 36(10)
Leach, Andrew
Canadian Tax Journal. 2012 January; 60(4)
Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti and Andrew J Leach
Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2011 February; 113 (4):904-936
Leach, Andrew, Charles F. Mason and Klaas van't Veld
Resource and Energy Economics. 2011 January; 33 10.1016/j.reseneeco.2010.11.002
Laurent-Lucchetti, Jeremy and Andrew Leach
Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2011 January; 113(4)
Leach, Andrew, Joseph Doucet and Trevor Nickel
Energy Policy. 2011 January; 39(7)
Chakravorty, Ujjayant, Andrew Leach and Michel Moreaux
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2011 January; 61 (3)
State Tax Policy and Oil Production: The Role of the Severance Tax and Credits for Drilling Expenses
Chakravorty, Ujjayant, Shelby Gerking and Andrew Leach; Gilbert E. Metcalf (editor)
U.S. Energy Tax Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010 January;
Leach, Andrew
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2009 January; 57(2)
Bahn, Olivier and Andrew Leach
Computational Management Science. 2008 January; 5(3)
Leach, Andrew
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2007 January; 31
Clark, C. Robert and Andrew Leach
Canadian Public Policy. 2007 January; 33(1)
Andrew, Leach
Computers and Operations Research. 2006 January; 33
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