Andras Marosi

Full Executive Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Finance


Full Executive Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Finance



University of Texas at Austin, PhD in Finance, 2005
Case Western Reserve University, Non-degree graduate student and Fulbright Scholar (Alexander Hamilton Fellowship), 1995-96
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, MPhil in Finance, 1995
University of Pécs, Hungary, BA in Business and Economics, 1992


“You Can Enter but You Cannot Leave…”: U.S. Securities Markets and Foreign Firms“, Journal of Finance, Vol. 63 Issue 5 Volume 63, Issue 5 Pages i–xxxiii, 2085–2554 · Oct 1, 2008 (with N. Massoud)
Why Do Firms Go Dark?, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 42(2), 421-442 · Jan 1, 2007 (with N. Massoud)


UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, Department of Finance
Assistant Professor of Finance (since July 1, 2009)

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance (July 2005 – June 2009)
  • Assistant Professor of Finance (July 2001 – June 2005)
  • Teaching: Introductory Corporate Finance (undergraduate, MBA and EMBA), Corporate Financial Planning (undergraduate and MBA until 2005), Applied Corporate Finance (MFM)
  • Service: School of Business Undergraduate Studies Policy Committee (2009-2013), School of Business Assurance of Learning Committee (2011-2013), Finance honours advisor and general finance advisor (2010-2013)
  • Grants and Awards: BSA Mackenzie Teaching Award (2003-2004)

THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, Department of Finance, Austin, TX

Assistant Instructor (1998-2001)

  • Teaching responsibilities: introductory money, banking and financial institutions
  • Grants and Awards: nomination for graduate student teaching award

Teaching Assistant (1996-1998):

  • Provided assistance for investment theory, portfolio management and security analysis (MBA, undergraduate), energy finance and corporate finance (MBA).

JANUS PANNONIUS UNIVERSITY, Department of Managerial Economics, Pécs, Hungary

Assistant Instructor (1992-1994)

  • Teaching responsibilities: introductory financial management (undergraduate)


FIN 430 - Corporate Financial Planning

Advanced discussion of valuation and financial policies. Prerequisites: FIN 412. Restricted to 4th year students.

FIN 460 - Private Market Finance

Private Market Finance applies the material learnt in FIN 301 to practical problems, primarily from the standpoint of private corporations and their investors. Topics covered include the valuation and financing of private companies, with a special focus on the private equity (PE) industry from both the target firm's and the PE funds' perspective. Prerequisite: FIN 312.

FIN 501 - Managerial Finance

Fundamental concepts in asset valuation are discussed within the context of simple asset pricing models and efficient financial markets. This course introduces the valuation of financial assets such as bonds and stocks. Further topics include the issuing of financial securities, leverage, dividend policy, cash management, and derivative securities. Credit will not be given for FIN 501 when FIN 503 has been completed. Prerequisites: ACCTG 501, BUEC 503, and MGTSC 501.

Browse more courses taught by Andras Marosi

Scholarly Activities

Research - Published Papers

“ ‘You Can Enter but You Cannot Leave..’ U.S. Securities Markets and Foreign Firms,” Journal of Finance, 2008, 63(5): 2477-2506 (with Nadia Massoud).

“Why Do Firms Go Dark?” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2007, 42(2):421–442. (with Nadia Massoud).