Andrea Mitchell

ATS Assistant Lecturer, Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics


ATS Assistant Lecturer, Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics


ACCTG 211 - Introduction to Accounting for Financial Performance

How to prepare and interpret financial statements that report to decision makers external to the enterprise, such as shareholders and creditors. Course includes principles and standards of balance sheet valuation, income measurement, financial disclosure and cash flow analysis that link preparation and use of such statements. Pre- or co-requisites: ECON 101 and 102. Students may not receive credit for both ACCTG 211 and ACCTG 311.

ACCTG 418 - Advanced Financial Accounting

The course analyzes the concepts and practices underlying financial reporting in more complex areas such as business combinations, multinational operations, future income taxes and not for profit organizations. Prerequisite: ACCTG 415. Open only to fourth-year Business students or by consent of the Department Chair.

ACCTG 426 - Management Control Systems

Current research and cases in accounting and control with a particular focus on strategy, governance and control processes in modern organizations. Topics include: control system design (including governance and audit), responsibility accounting, performance management, and strategic management accounting. Prerequisite: ACCTG 424. Open only to fourth year Business students, or by consent of Department Chair.

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