Andrzej Prus-Czarnecki, PhD

Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics


Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics
(780) 492-5510
2-101 Centennial Ctr For Interdisciplinary SCS II
11335 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



MSc (1988) and DSc (1999) Jagellonian University, Poland
PhD (1993) UofA, Canada
Research Associate, Mainz (Germany, 1993-94)
Research Associate, Karslruhe (Germany, 1994-97)
Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA, 1997-2000)


Phenomenology of gauge interactions, searches for new physics.


EN PH 131 - Mechanics

Kinematics and dynamics of particles; gravitation; work and energy; linear momentum; angular momentum; systems of particles; introduction to dynamics of rigid bodies. Prerequisites: MATH 100 or 117, and ENGG 130. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 118. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.

PHYS 458 - Special and General Relativity

Special Relativity: space-time; Lorentz transformations; definitions of scalars, vectors and tensors; motion of a relativistic particle; energymomentum tensor and equations of motion; transformation of electromagnetic fields. General Relativity: geometry of curved space-time; equivalence principle; gravity as curvature; Einstein equations; black hole and cosmological solutions; gravitational waves. Prerequisites: MA PH 251 or MATH 337 or ECE 341, PHYS 244. Corequisite: PHYS 481.

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