Ashutosh Sarker, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept


Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept
9-05 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H4

Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Institutional Economics; Political Economy; Public Economics; Behavioral Economics; Neuroeconomics


As a resource economist, I have a broad spectrum of research experiences and skills at the convergence of institutional economics, behavioral economics, public economics, and common property resource management in both local and global contexts. My teaching portfolio includes microeconomics, macroeconomics, managerial economics, money and banking, resource economics, and energy economics.

My citizenship is Canadian.


My research philosophy premises that the divides between disciplines are illusory and that transcending the divides is an essential step towards finding focused solutions to longstanding and new questions. By promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, breaking down silos, and expanding our research horizons, we can foster a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to scholarship. The research philosophy spurs me to reflect on research questions relevant to economics from the viewpoints of other disciplines, including public administration, political science, and neuroscience.

As a resource economist, I have obtained research and teaching experience at the University of Alberta in Canada, Monash University, Yokohama National University in Japan, the University of Queensland in Australia, and the University of British Columbia in Canada. 

There are a series of articles I have published in peer-reviewed journals in the following areas: institutional economics, applied economics, energy economics, ecological economics, public policy, public administration, financial economics, experimental economics, and neuroeconomics. 

My articles have appeared in 14 Scimago Q1-ranked journals including Journal of Institutional Economics, Ecological Economics, Energy Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Public Administration, Journal of Rural Studies, and Journal of Hydrology. I have presented papers at international conferences held in Canada, Australia, the United States, the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Brazil. On three occasions, I was invited by Nobel laureate in economics, Professor Elinor Ostrom, to give colloquium presentations at The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University in the United States.

In 2018, I visited Harvard University in the United States as the recipient of a visiting fellowship.

With my team members, I have secured more than 12 competitive research grants from various funding agencies. In addition, I have developed an innovative teaching method that takes into account modern technology, students' learning styles, and their social backgrounds.

By supervising honors and Ph.D. students, I have learned that supervision is an open, non-defensive, and dynamic process during which information exchange is essential to research planning, implementation, and reporting.


Throughout my academic pursuits, I have learned that the goal of teaching is to motivate students to become active, reflective, and reactive learners who think critically and solve problems both independently and as part of a team.

In my teaching method, I utilize integrative approaches to engage students in innovative thinking through demonstration. This enhances students' critical thinking abilities as well as aids them in formulating and answering new research questions. 

The courses I teach include microeconomics, macroeconomics, managerial economics, money and banking, resource economics, and energy economics.

Featured Publications

Tanin, T., A. Sarker, S. Hammoudeh and J. A. Batten. 2024.

British Accounting Review. 2024 May; 10.1016/

Ghazinoori, A., S. M. Singh, and A. Sarker. 2024.

Journal of Asia Business Studies. 2024 March; 18 (3):712-736 10.1108/JABS-02-2023-0050

Sarker, A., W. C. Poon, S. Haque, and G. Herath.

Review of Behavioral Economics. 2023 April; 10 (1):27-44 10.1561/105.00000169

Sarker, A.

International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics (Scimago: Q1). 2022 November; 16 10.1561/101.00000147

Tanin, T. I., A. Sarker, R. Brooks, and H. Do.

Energy Economics (Scimago: Q1). 2022 February; 108 10.1016/j.eneco.2022.105938

Tanin, T. I., A. Sarker, S. Hammoudeh, and M. Shahbaz.

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (Scimago: Q1). 2021 November; 191

Tanin, T. I., A. Sarker, and R. Brooks

International Review of Financial Analysis (Scimago: Q1). 2021 August;

Sarker, A.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research International (Scimago: Q1). 2021 May;

Sarker, A.

Ecological Economics (Scimago: Q1). 2020 May;

Sarker, A. and W. Blomquist

Journal of Institutional Economics (Scimago: Q1). 2019 April;

Sarker, A., W.C. Poon, and G. Herath.

Ergonomics and Human Factors for a Sustainable Future. 2018 April;

Yong, M.C., J. Kasipillai, and A. Sarker

eJournal of Tax Research . 2017 December;

Poon, W.C., G. Herath, A. Sarker, T. Masuda, and R. Kada

Applied Ergonomics (Scimago: Q1). 2016 November;

Sarker, A., T. Ikeda, T. Abe, and K. Inoue

Ecological Economics (Scimago: Q1). 2015 September;

Sarker, A.

Journal of Rural Studies (Scimago: Q1). 2014 October;

Sarker, A., T. Itoh, R. Kada, T. Abe, M. Nakashima, and G. Herath

Journal of Hydrology (Scimago: Q1). 2014 March;

Sarker, A

Public Administration (Scimago: Q1). 2013 February;

Sarker, A., and T. Itoh

Society and Natural Resources (Scimago: Q1). 2010 November;

Sarker, A., and T. Itoh

Journal of Rural Cooperation. 2010 November;

Sarker, A., C. Baldwin, and H. Ross

Water Policy . 2009 October;

Sarker, A., H. Ross, and K. K. Shrestha

Human Ecology (Scimago: Q1). 2008 December;

Sarker, A., H. Ross, and K. K. Shrestha

Ecological Economics (Scimago: Q1). 2008 December;

Shrestha, K.K. and A. Sarker

Dialogues in Urban Planning. 2008 January;

Sarker, A., and T. Itoh

Agricultural Water Management (Scimago: Q1). 2001 June;