Keshwaree Babooram

Faculty Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Chemistry


Faculty Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Chemistry
W3-68 Chemistry Centre - West
11227 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G2


CHEM 101 - Introductory University Chemistry I

Atoms and molecules, states of matter, chemistry of the elements. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30, or equivalent.

CHEM 102 - Introductory University Chemistry II

Rates of reactions, thermodynamics and equilibrium, electro-chemistry, modern applications of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 101 or 103.

CHEM 306 - Green Chemistry

Introduction to green chemistry. The twelve principles and the metrics of green chemistry; Chemical wastes: their impact on health and the environment, and prevention; Green solvents and alternate methods that use safer chemicals; Catalysis and green catalysts; Renewable resources. Prerequisite: CHEM 263. Students who have obtained credit for CHIM 340 cannot take CHEM 306 for credit.

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