J Barry Wiskel

Teaching Professor, Faculty of Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering Dept


Teaching Professor, Faculty of Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering Dept


MAT E 461 - Materials Engineering Laboratory III

Advanced technical report writing. Integration of materials characterization and testing techniques for problem solving. Integration of materials processing techniques for process development. Prerequisite: MAT E 362.

MAT E 473 - Processing of Materials

Conversion of raw materials to products. Microstructural evolution and structure- property-processing relationships in engineering materials (metals and alloys, polymers, ceramics, composites) as a function of processing methods (shaping, joining, and surface treatment). Heat treating of metals and alloys. Prerequisite: CH E 314. Corequisites: MAT E 336 and 351.

MAT E 476 - Microalloyed Steels

The physical metallurgy and processing of microalloyed steels and the associated microstructure/processing/property relationship. Usage of microalloyed steels in pipelines including design, forming and welding. Credit cannot be obtained in this course if previous credit has been obtained in MAT E 489. Prerequisite: consent of Instructor.

MAT E 689 - Advanced Processing of Microalloyed Steels

Advanced processing and metallurgy of microalloyed steels for pipelines. Steelmaking, casting, microstructural development during thermomechanical processing, pipe fabrication, mechanical and chemical properties and in service performance. Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor.

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