Laurent Cammarata, PhD

Professor, Campus Saint-Jean - Académique
English | Français


Professor, Campus Saint-Jean - Académique
3-06 CSJ Pavillon Lacerte
8406 Marie-Anne-Gaboury St (91 St)
Edmonton AB
T6C 4G9


Area of Study / Keywords

Immersion bilingual education foreign language education content-based instruction curriculum development teacher education professional development


I currently hold an academic position as Full Professor of Education at the Faculté Saint-Jean, University of Alberta. Formerly a language teacher, I have been a teacher educator for almost twenty years, specializing in the preparation and ongoing professional development of K-12 teachers in French immersion and Francophone minority settings. Over the years, my research has examined 1) K-12 teachers' experience of learning about and implementing content-based instruction (CBI) in diverse educational contexts and implications for teacher education and professional development, 2) the potential of curricular models specifically designed to help K-12 teachers optimize the integration of content, language, and literacy in instruction, and 3) the nature of immersion/bilingual teachers' knowledge base and its influence on their ability to simultaneously teach content, language, and academic literacy skills. More recently, my research has focused on issues related to student retention in French immersion programs and Francophone schools in minority contexts in Canada. My work has been published in well-respected scientific journals and has received numerous academic awards, including the Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education (2013), the Stephen A. Freeman Award for Best Published Article (2018), the Alberta Teachers' Association Educational Research Award (2018), and the Judy Gibson Award of Excellence in French Second Language Education (2024).  I have also gained extensive editorial experience over the past decade by 1) publishing two edited volumes, Content-Based Foreign Language Teaching: Curriculum and Pedagogy for Developing Advanced Thinking and Literacy Skills (Routledge, 2016) and Teacher development for immersion and content-based instruction (John Benjamins Current Topics, 2020), 2) guest editing two special issues of the Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education (JICB, 2018-2022) and another currently in preparation on emerging issues in content-based minority language education (2025, forthcoming), and 3) serving as co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education (JICB, John Benjamins) from January 2019 to December 2024.


Google Scholar profile & ResearchGate profile


EDU M 332 - Théorie de l'apprentissage des langues et approche intégrée

Ce cours aborde les principales théories relatives à l'acquisition des langues qui sont au coeur des approches pour planifier et enseigner en contexte immersif et francophone minoritaire. Le volet pratique du cours propose une introduction au développement de séquences pédagogiques visant à intégrer l'enseignement de la langue et de la littératie dans le contexte de l'enseignement des matières. Préalable(s) ou concomittant(s): EDU S 201 (ou EDU F 200 et EDU M 232). Pour les étudiants du BEd/Ad: Préalable ou concomitant: EDU S 101. Note: Ce cours n'est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant des crédits pour EDU F 211 et EDU M 331.

EDU M 341 - Les technologies de l'information et de la communication

Ce cours propose un regard critique sur le rôle et la place de la technologie en éducation. Les étudiants se familiariseront avec l'utilisation des technologies actuelles et émergentes en salle de classe et exploreront leur potentiel pédagogique. Il mettra l'accent sur les théories ainsi que les stratégies d'enseignement et les méthodes d'évaluation. Il sensibilisera aussi les étudiants à l'utilisation des technologies au service d'un enseignement inclusif. Préalable (s) : EDU S 201(ou EDU F 200 et EDU M 232). Pour les étudiants du BEd/Ad : Préalable ou concomitant : EDU S 101.

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