David Cooper, BSc (Econ) Hons., PhD


Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics



Research Interests

My research is primarily in critical management studies, management accounting and control, and the regulation of accounting and accountants. My research is interdisciplinary, critically orientated, and problem centered, drawing on sociology, political science and social theory to understand regulation, organizational and managerial rationality, and performance measurement and management.

I remain actively involved in research projects involving liabilities in the oil and gas industry and related issues of government and regulatory accountability. 

Former students have appointments at top Schools such as Ivey (Western), Schulich (York), HEC (Paris), Sydney and Lancaster.

I am Consulting Editor of Critical Perspectives on Accounting, a journal which I launched in 1990 and which is dedicated to the role of accounting in organizational and social accountability. I am also Consulting Editor for Accounting, Organizations and Society and continue to serve on the editorial boards of several other accounting journals. 


My teaching since retirement involves doctoral education and courses on engaged and critical scholarship. 

I have been extensively involved in executive development courses, notably in managing organizational performance for senior government managers and on costing and performance management.