Douglas Gleddie, PhD, MA, BEd, BA
Professor, Faculty of Education - Elementary Education
- Address
436 Education Centre - South
11210 - 87 Ave NWEdmonton ABT6G 2G5
Dr. Doug Gleddie is a husband and father who also happens to be an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta (Elementary Physical Education). In a career filled with change, the only true constants have been physical activity/education, working with kids and, how joy fills the spaces in between. Although it took him a while to fully embrace this epiphanal thought, the journey itself has enabled Doug to work with a wide variety of people and organizations across Canada and around the world. He takes care of his own wellness by playing with his family, learning to play guitar and attempting back-flips (on a trampoline…).
My research is influenced and shaped by three key elements: a paradigm, a theoretical framework and a philosophy. Methodologically, I have remained true to the qualitative paradigm, incorporating hermeneutics, case study, interpretive inquiry and narrative inquiry. My research with pre-service teachers values the participant, the experiences they bring to the table and, the shared construction of knowledge. Throughout my work, the use of words such as discover, journey, construct and awake reveals rhetoric dedicated to qualitative exploration. Ontologically, experience is where all forms of inquiry naturally begin (Clandinin & Rosiek, 2007). As a qualitative researcher, and one who values participatory research, it was perhaps inevitable that I begin to explore Dewey’s experiential framework further. The field of physical education (PE) and physical education teacher education (PETE) are continually affected by people’s experiences of the subject as children and even as adults (Strean, 2009). Dewey’s concepts of educative experience (leads to wanting MORE of the same) and mis-educative experience (leads to wanting NO more of the same) lead me to consider his framework as a foundation for exploring experiences of PE (Dewey, 1938). Finally, the third element undergirding my work is a philosophy of joy. Kretchmar wrote specifically about the concept of joy-based PE (2008). “It (movement) provides a refreshing interlude. It prevents the world from turning an unbecoming shade of gray and keeps us from becoming tired and disinterested. When movement is joyful and meaningful, it may even inspire us to do things we never thought possible” (2008, p. 162). His work provided the platform for much of what I do in my teaching, as well as the direction I am taking with research into the movement and physical education experiences of pre-service teachers.
Using these three connected elements as the foundation, the primary objective of my research at the University of Alberta is to have a positive impact on the field of physical education. More specifically, this can be broken down into subcategories:
• Researching the context for physical education – healthy school communities,
• Research designed to explore issues in the field of physical education and,
• The study and improvement of physical education teacher education (PETE).
I have always believed in the importance of physical education (PE). Movement and physical activity have been an integral part of my own life since I was a child. As I grew up, went to school, tried to figure out my life and eventually settled on a career in education, PE was always at the forefront. The year 2022 marks my 29th year in the field and after nine career “adjustments” over this time span (new positions, new schools, new degrees), two constants have emerged: PE and working with children and youth. Over the length of my career, I have developed a fundamental belief in the absolute, critical, elemental, life-changing and life-giving need for human movement. Forme, there are two critical elements that form the core of my teaching philosophy for physical education.
1. Movement for the sake of movement. Movement can stand on it’s own – it has inherent worth and efficacy all by its lonesome. Ann Thelen stated, “People perceive in order to move and move in order to perceive. What, then, is movement but a form of perception, a way of knowing the world as well as acting on it?” (1995). Movement is essential to who we are as human beings and is absolutely critical to growth and development across the lifespan. The health and academic benefits are a great bonus, but are really just an extension of how movement is part of our human identity and helps us negotiate the treacherous terrain of life. Therefore, education should not be considered “whole-child” unless it includes education of the physical. Physical literacy is a concept that has gained momentum recently in Canada and globally. The definition is based on the United Nations renewed literacy definition, “Literacy is crucial to the acquisition, by every child, youth and adult, of essential life skills that enable them to address the challenges they can face in life,..” (UN, 2002).
2. The intrinsic JOY of movement. As Scott Kretchmar writes, “When movement is experienced as joy, it adorns our lives, makes our days go better, and gives us something to look forward to. When movement is joyful and meaningful, it may even inspire us to do things we never thought possible” (2008, p. 162). The fact is, kids (and adults!) are motivated by joy and will work/play extremely hard to find it. As a bonus, they’ll also get all the health and academic benefits. If you want to see an example of this ethic in action, go visit a skate park. There you’ll see people finding joy in learning - intrinsic motivation at it’s best and not a trophy or rubric in sight.
Quite often, students will approach me and express their apprehension about taking a class on PE pedagogy. Their fears may be grounded in a negative experience, a misguided perception or a stereotype – it really doesn’t matter. My teaching philosophy allows me meet them where they are, provide joyful movement experiences and, help them establish an identity as a teacher of PE.
“I was really dreading the idea of having to teach PE. All of that changed this semester! The things you taught us were real life, things we can actually use and it was so much fun (so different from past classes)”
Health and Physical Education MEd Cohort
The Department of Elementary Education will be offering a blended Master of Education program for teachers interested in furthering their expertise in health, physical education, comprehensive school health and more! The Health and Physical Education MEd cohort is designed for teachers who want to complete their degree part-time in a structured program. If you are interested in an MEd that features a core of desirable courses such as health literacy, physical literacy and more, then this cohort is for you! The program consists of 10 courses and a capping presentation taken over a two year period. Courses are taught by leaders in the field and are delivered on-campus in the summer and online during the school year. Thesis options are available. COHORT INFO HERE.
Summer 2024 - application portal opens July 1, 2023 and deadline is January 8, 2024.
Access more detailed information including deadlines, fees and application processes here.
EDEL 321 - Introduction to Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary School Physical Education
This course is designed to prepare students to teach Physical Education effectively in an elementary school setting. The goals to this end integrate understanding of child development, physical education, health, curriculum and pedagogy and making curricula links. Prerequisite: EDU 100 or Pre/Corequisite: EDU 300. Note: Not open to first year students.
EDEL 345 - Introduction to Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary School Health Education
Designed to prepare students to teach Health Education effectively in the elementary school setting. The focus will be on curriculum, strategies, planning, and resources for teaching. Prerequisite: EDU 100 or Pre/Corequisite: EDU 300. Note: Not open to first year students.
EDEL 573 - Practitioner Research in Education
Practitioner research is a growing field of study and many school authorities encourage and recognize teacher reflection and research. This course explores methodologies of practitioner research as applied in educational settings. Students will develop an understanding of these forms of educational research and be able to apply them to their own unique contexts.
Scholarly Activities
Other - Conducting practitioner research in physical education and youth sport: Reflecting on practice.
Co-authored book with Dr. Ashley Casey (Loughborough University), Dr. Tim Fletcher (Brock University) and Dr. Lee Schaefer (McGill University).
Other - Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures
Research - Narrative Inquiry for Social Justice in Physical Education Teacher Education
2016 to 2018
SSHRC-IDG Grant with Dr. Lee Schaefer, McGill University
Other - Physical education for elementary school teachers: Foundations of a physical literacy journey.
Co-authored physical education textbook with Dr. Clive Hickson (University of Alberta) and Dr. Brent Bradford (Concordia University of Edmonton).
Gleddie, D. L., Hickson, C., & Bradford, B. (2018). Physical education for elementary
school teachers: Foundations of a physical literacy journey. Victoria: Ripon Publishing.
Research - School Sport and Educational Success: Exploring KidSport’s Stay-in-School Initiative for Low-Income Youth in Alberta
2017 to 2019
SSHRC-IDG with Dr. Lauren Sulz, University of Alberta
Featured Publications
Faught, E.L., Ekwaru, J.P., Gleddie, D.L., Storey, K.E., Asbridge, M., & Veugelers, P.J.
International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2017 January;
Robinson, D., Gleddie, D.L., Schaefer, L
Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport & Physical Education. 2016 January; 6 (3):1-18
Gleddie, D.L.
Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. 2013 January; 16 (3):267-282
Robinson, D.B., Gleddie, D.L.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 2011 January; 82 (6):41-45