Geoffrey Dipple, PhD (Queen's), MA (Queen's), BA (Valparaiso)

Professor, Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities


Professor, Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities



My research focuses on a variety of topics in the history of early modern Europe, especially in the German-speaking lands at the time of the Protestant Reformation. Current research projects include a biography of the Spiritualist Anabaptist Hans Denck, and studies of literary and lived utopias during the sixteenth century and the development of lay, vernacular theology in the early years of the Reformation.


I have taught a wide range of courses on the history of Europe from Classical Greece to western Europe at the end of the twentieth century. I also teach courses on the role of religion in political and social radicalism across the globe, and on genocides in the twentieth century.


AUCLA 294 - Selected Topics in Classical Studies Tour

Study tour of ancient sites from the classical world. The focus and content of each course are determined by student and faculty interests and may vary with different course offerings. Note: Tour costs are the responsibility of the student. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

AUHIS 121 - Topics in Global History

Selected topic in global history. Topics vary from year to year depending on instructor and student interest.

AUIDS 401 - Advanced Integration Project

A project-based course which allows students to work in small interdisciplinary teams to propose a solution to a real-world issue with the support of a faculty advisor. Prerequisite: AUIDS 301.

Browse more courses taught by Geoffrey Dipple

Featured Publications

Para-Academic Theology: Theology of the "Uneducated" in The Cambridge History of Reformation Era Theology, edited by Kenneth Appold and Nelson Minnich. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Geoffrey Dipple

Cambridge. 2023 September;

Geoffrey Dipple and Kat Hill, eds.

Brill. 2023 April;

Spiritualist Anabaptism: Oxymoron or Redundancy?

Geoffrey Dipple

Mennnonite Quarterly Review. 2022 July; 96 (3):417-24

Geoffrey Dipple

2021 December;

Geoffrey Dipple

2019 December;

Geoffrey Dipple

2019 January;

Geoffrey Dipple

2018 January;

Geoffrey Dipple, trans.

Catholic Responses to Martin Luther, Digital Collections, Pitts Theology Library, Emory University. 2018 January;

Geoffrey Dipple

Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme. 2017 January; 40 (4):73-90

Geoffrey Dipple

European History Online. 2015 January;