Dev Jennings

Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management


Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management
(780) 492-3998
4-30A Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6


Area of Study / Keywords

Organization Theory Sustainability Interpretive Data Science Research Methods


I am an organizational sociologist by training and in my orientation, one with an interest in institutions, technology, entrepreneurship and the natural environment. I have spent most of my academic life in the interdisciplinary spaces between sociology, business and the natural sciences.


Research Interests

Currently, my main pursuits are work on entrepreneurship and technology, much of it with the Interpretive Data Science (IDeaS) group and around organizations and the natural environment, some of which is with the FES (Future Energy Systems) group.  Please see my CV for further details.


Teaching Experience

  • SMO 441 - Business Strategy 
  • SMO 502/SEM 502 - Strategy and Organization
  • SMO 641 - Capstone Business Strategy
  • SMO 686/ SEM 601 - Innovation and Sustainability - Clean Technology
  • SMO 704 - Ph.D. Strategy
  • SMO 704 - Ph.D. Quantitative Research Methods I (Panel Models, Event History, Network Analysis, Topic Modeling)
  • SMO 706 - Ph.D. Quantitative Research Methods II (Advances in Topic Modeling, Network Analysis, and QCA, co-taught with Tim Hannigan and Vern Glaser)

In the past, I have taught courses in research methods, organizational behavior, organization theory, and human resources management. Much of that teaching was done at the University of British Columbia, partly with the UBC MBA Core Team. At UBC, I also taught in the UBC - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Program and the former UBC - Hong Kong Program.