Dorothy Thunder

Faculty Serv Officer, Faculty of Native Studies


Faculty Serv Officer, Faculty of Native Studies
(780) 492-0523
1-30 Pembina Hall
8921 - 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H8



Dorothy Thunder is a Plains Cree (nêhiyawiskwêw) from Little Pine First Nation, Saskatchewan and full-time Cree instructor in Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta. 

She is a Language Keeper, educator, and an Aboriginal woman who practices the traditional way of life. Her passion for the Cree language began at the U of A, where she completed her BA in Native Studies in June 2002 and MSc in Linguistics in December 2015. She co-authored the book, Beginning of Print Culture in Athabasca Country, which won the Scholarly and Academic Book of the Year in June 2011. In March 2011, she received the Graduate Studies Teaching Award in recognition of excellence in the performance of teaching duties in the Faculty of Native Studies. 

Being a fluent nêhiyawêwin speaker and instructor has inspired her to continue in developing resource materials and promoting nêhiyawêwin language programs. Her purpose is to assist in strengthening confidence and competence in Cree language skills by supporting educators and nehiyawewin language learners. As an advocator of nehiyawewin, she shares various methodologies to strengthen existing or new Indigenous programs. Her main focus is integrating nehiyaw language and literacy strategies from cultural perspectives of First Nations teachings and the inclusion of Aboriginal stories and teachings.


NS 152B - Introductory Cree

A general introduction to Plains Cree (Y dialect) grammar and vocabulary, with practice in speaking and work in the language laboratory. No prior knowledge of Cree is assumed. Not open to students with matriculation standing in Cree. Note: Students cannot receive credit for NS 152 and NS 153.

NS 252B - Intermediate Cree

Introduction to more complex grammatical structures; translation to and from Cree; reading of selected texts; oral practice, including conversation and work on individual projects. Prerequisite: NS 152 or 153.

NS 352B - Advanced Cree

An intensive course designed to enable students to acquire considerable facility both in oral communication and in writing, employing both Roman and syllabic orthography. Prerequisite: NS 252.

NS 404 - Selected Topics in Indigenous Studies

Prerequisite: One 300-level NS course or consent of the Faculty.

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