Feng Dai
Professor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
- fdai@ualberta.ca
MATH 417 - Real Analysis
Brief review of set operations and countable sets. Measure theory, integration theory, Lebesgue measure and integrals on R^n, product measure, Tonelli-Fubini theorem. Functions of bounded variation, absolutely continuous functions. Prerequisite: MATH 317 or 414.
MATH 514 - Measure Theory I
Brief review of set operations and countable sets. Measure theory, integration theory, Lebesgue measure and integrals on R^n, product measure, Tonelli-Fubini theorem. Functions of bounded variation, absolutely continuous functions. Prerequisites: Math 317.
MATH 600 - Reading in Mathematics
Students registered in this course are supervised by individual staff members in areas of interest of the staff members. Students will be allowed to take this course only in exceptional circumstances and with the permission of the Chairman of the Department. This course shall not be counted against the minimum course requirement for graduate students.