Fangliang He

Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept


Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
(780) 492-7575
322A South Academic Building
11328 - 89 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2J7



Job/Research Area: Biodiversity and Landscape Modeling


Major Responsibilities/Research Interests: Community ecology, species diversity and conservation, ecological methodologies and modeling, and spatial statistics.


REN R 469 - Biodiversity Analysis

Introduction to the theory and application of biodiversity with an emphasis on quantitative analysis of biodiversity data. The course covers the concepts of biodiversity (genetic, species and ecosystem), dynamics of species populations, diversity measurements, estimation of species richness, diversity patterns (species-abundance, species-area, distribution-abundance, local-regional, beta diversity, richness-productivity, etc.), mechanisms of biodiversity maintenance, and methods and models for biodiversity conservation. Laboratory session involves using statistical software R for analyzing various real diversity data. Prerequisite: REN R 364.

REN R 501 - Topics in Renewable Resources

Directed study in the multiple aspects of renewable resources. Open to fourth year or graduate students upon consent of instructor.

REN R 569 - Biodiversity Analysis

Introduction to the theory and application of biodiversity with emphasis on quantitative analysis of biodiversity data. The course covers the concepts of biodiversity (genetic, species and ecosystem), dynamics of species populations, diversity measurements, estimation of species richness, synthetic patterns of species diversity (species-abundance, species-area, distribution-abundance, local-regional, beta diversity, richness-productivity, etc.), theories of biodiversity maintenance, species distribution models, and methods and models of biodiversity conservation including estimating species extinction risk and viable population size. Laboratory session involves using statistical software R for analyzing various real diversity data. REN R 569 is built on REN R 469 with a focus on problem solving skills, individual projects and advanced R programming. Not to be taken if credit received for REN R 469.

REN R 586 - Analyzing Relationships in Data

Focuses on analyzing complex biological or environmental data for the purpose of prediction and scientific hypothesis testing. Covers multiple regression for a continuous response, logistic regression for a binary response, and log-linear models for count data, non-linear regression and generalized additive models for non-linear relationships, path analysis using structural equation modeling. Prerequisite: knowledge equivalent to REN R 581 and REN R 582 is required.

Browse more courses taught by Fangliang He

Featured Publications

Ricklefs, R.E. and He, F

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016 January;

Zhao, K.-N. and He, F

Canadian Journal of Forestry Research. 2016 January;

He, F., Huang, S.M. and Zhang, J.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2015 January;

Liu Y., Fang S.Q., Chesson P. and He F

Nature Communications. 2015 January;

Zhang, J., Huang, S.M. and He, F

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2015 January; 112:

Zhang, J., Huang, S., Hogg, E.H., Lieffers, V., Qin, Y. and He, F.

Biogeosciences. 2014 January; 11

Yin, D.-Y. and He, F

Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2014 January; 5

Blanchet, F.G., Legendre, P., Bergeron, J.A.C. and He, F

Ecological Monographs. 2014 January; 84

Cáceres, M.D., Legendre, P. and He, F.

Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2013 January; 4

He, F. and Hubbell, S.P.

Ecology. 2013 January; 94

Gibson, L., Lynam, A.J., Bradshaw, C.J.A., He, F., Bickford, D., Woodruff, D.S., Bumrungsri, S. and Laurance, W.F.

Science. 2013 January; 341

Guillaume, F.B., Bergeron, J.C.A., Spence, J.R. and He, F.

Ecography. 2013 January; 36

Yu, S.X., Zhang, D.Y. and He, F.

Journal of Plant Ecology. 2012 January; 5

He, F

Ecology. 2012 January; 93:

Rosindell, J., Hubbell, S.P., He, F., Harmon, L.J. and Etienne, R.S.

Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 2012 January; 27

Mayor, S.J., Cahill, J.C., He, F., Sólymos, P. and Boutin, S

Nature Communications. 2012 January; 3

He, F., Zhang, D.Y. and Lin, K.

Journal of Plant Ecology. 2012 January; 5

Zhang, D.Y., Zhang, B.Y., Lin, K., Jiang, X.H., Tao, Y., Hubbell, S.P., He, F. and Ostling, A.

Journal of Plant Ecology. 2012 January; 5

Hwang, W.H. and He, F.

Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2011 January; 2

He, F. and Hu, X.-S.

Ecology Letters. 2005 January; 8

He, F. and Hubbell, S.P.

Physical Review Letters. 2005 January; 95 (article 189804)

Hu, X.-S. and He, F.

Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2005 January; 235

He, F

Functional Ecology. 2005 January; 19

He, F., Gaston, K.J., Connor, E.F. and Srivastava, D

Ecology. 2005 January; 86

Volkov, I., Banavar, J.R., He, F., Hubbell, S.P. and Maritan, A

Nature. 2005 January; 438

He, F. and Hubbell, S.P.

Nature. 473