Guido Tondino

Professor, Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept


Professor, Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept
(780) 492-6206
3-168 Fine Arts Building
8807 - 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2C9


DRAMA 377B - Production (Service)

Practicum experience in Design, Stage Management or Technical Production for In-House Practicums other than Studio Theatre or Bleviss Laboratory Theatre Productions /or Community Engagement in Production. Prerequisite: consent of Department.

T DES 173 - Studio Techniques for Theatre Design

Study and practice of the studio techniques employed in theatre design. Normally restricted to BFA in Drama (Production) students. Prerequisite: consent of Department.

T DES 372 - 3D CAD for the Theatre

Exploration, practice and experimentation with 3D CAD for theatrical application. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design and Technical Production students. Offered in alternate years.

T DES 471B - Portfolio

Portfolio assessment.

T DES 477B - Production Design

Practical experience in designing an element or elements of a production. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

T DES 571 - Advanced Studio Techniques for Theatre Design

Study and practice of the studio techniques employed in theatre design. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

T DES 577 - Production Design III

Practical experience in designing an element or elements of a production. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

T DES 579 - Practicum

A practical extension of the production techniques courses, involving the student in the production process of main stage shows. Pre- or corequisite: T DES 573, 673, or 773. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

T DES 677 - Production Design IV

Practical experience in designing an element or elements of a production. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

T DES 772 - Advanced 3D CAD for the Theatre

Exploration, practice and experimentation with 3D CAD for theatrical application. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students. Offered in alternate years.

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