Jorge Sanchez Perez, PhD, MSc, MA, LLB

/Jorge Sanchez Perez/

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts - Philosophy Dept
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts - Philosophy Dept

Pronouns: he, him, his


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts - Philosophy Dept

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts - Philosophy Dept
2-46 Assiniboia Hall
9137 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E7

by email


Area of Study / Keywords

Social Epistemology Legal and Political Philosophy Indigenous Philosophy Latin American Philosophy.


Jorge Sanchez Perez is an assistant professor in the University of Alberta’s Department of Philosophy, a position he has held since July 2022. He is an academic philosopher and a trained lawyer interested in social epistemology, Indigenous philosophy and moral and legal philosophy. Originally from Peru, he completed his LLB at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and a master’s degree in philosophy at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, both in Lima, Peru. He then obtained a master’s of science in philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2021, he received his PhD from McMaster University.

Prior to accepting a position at the U of A, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Extending New Narratives in the History of Philosophy project, which is based out of Simon Fraser University; and supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). At the time, he was also appointed a lecturer at SFU, and taught classes on Indigenous philosophy. He is continuing his work on the project, which aims to develop methodological tools to allow Western philosophy to engage with Indigenous thought. 

Jorge has received various research awards, such as the Research Funds Awards for Young Scholars, Universidad de Lima (2015–2016); the McMaster University’s International Student Excellence Award (2016–2018), and recently has won the Support for the Advancement of Scholarship Research Fund (2023-2024) of the University of Alberta, to conduct fieldwork in Peru.

Jorge is currently working on two manuscripts. The first one is an analysis of the limits of Latin American Philosophy in light of Indigenous views and the political project of Mestizaje. His second manuscript focuses on the reconstruction of Indigenous Andean philosophical views from the late 16th-century Huarochrí Manuscript. His research also deals with issues of race beyond the dominant debates, which are often grounded in the social experiences of individuals living in the United States. Going forward, he plans to work on a project that would develop a global theory of justice that properly engages with Indigenous philosophical views from around the globe. 


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

"The Dangers of Re-colonization: Possible Boundaries Between Latin American Philosophy and Indigenous Philosophy from Latin America," Comparative Philosophy: Vol. 14: Iss. 2, 2023

“Open Labour Market Regulations Under a Moral Scope: The Possible Harm of not Looking Beyond the Domestic Threshold of Justice,” Problema, 16, 2022.

“Deberes de caridad, deberes de justicia y la creación del otro en la tradición kantiana: Christine Korsgaard y los límites de la inclusion” Revista Sílex, volumen 10, 1, 2020. (Translation: Duties of Charity, Duties of Justice and the Creation of the Other in the Kantian Tradition: Christine Korsgaard and the Limits of Inclusion) 

“Algunas aproximaciones al debate constitucional anglosajón contemporáneo” Revista Sílex, volumen 6, N° 1 Revista interdisciplinaria de la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya Enero (Translation: Some Insights Into Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Constitutional Debates)

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

(Forthcoming) “Global Justice, Indigenous Knowledge, and the Epistemic Merits of Institutionally Embodied Moral Intuitions” in Law, Morality and Judicial Reasoning: Essays on W.J. Waluchow’s Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory, T. Bustamante, S. de Matos, A. Coelho (eds.). Springer, 2024

“Ni Estado Ni Republica: El Proceso Incompleto de Formación del Perú” in Reflexiones sobre el Perú: Más Allá del Bicentenario, M. Noles (ed.). Universidad del Pacifico, 2022 (Translation: Not a State Nor a Republic: The Incomplete Formation Process of Peru)

“¿Justicia Para Quién? Repensando el Uso del Estado-Nación Como Marco Para la Teorización en la Filosofía Práctica” in Las transformaciones del derecho en la globalización, J. Fabra (ed.). México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2020 (Translation: Justice for Whom? Rethinking the Nation-State as a Framework for Practical Philosophy)

“Food Justice” in the Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, P. B. Thompson, D. M. Kaplan (eds.). Springer, 2018. Pages 531-532

Policy Papers and Related Activities

“Analísis del Proyecto de la Ley Marco para la Promoción y Protección de los Derechos de las y los Afroperuanos” Performed under the request of Special Direction of Policies for Afro-Peruvian Population of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. (2019) (Translation: “Analysis for the General Law for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Afro-Peruvian People” )

Water Security and Peace Module. Developed for the Global Water Security Online Course of the United Nations University’s Water Learning Centre. (2019)


Jorge usually teaches courses related to epistemology, social and political philosophy, and legal philosophy. During the Winter 2024 semester, Jorge is teaching the Political Philosophy class, where the focus is the existence of different political communities beyond the state. We discuss different historical examples, alongside philosophical projects connected with these examples.


PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy: Values and Society

An introduction to the classical problems of philosophy through study and critical discussion of selected philosophical classics and contemporary works. Emphasis will be placed on questions of moral and other values and on the nature of society and justice.

PHIL 215 - Epistemology

A study of such central topics in the theory of knowledge as truth and rationality, skepticism and the limits of knowledge, relativism and the objectivity of knowledge, the role of perception, memory and reason as sources of knowledge.

PHIL 270 - Political Philosophy

A survey of issues in contemporary political philosophy with attention to liberalism and communitarianism, sovereignty, feminism, entitlement and distribution, and global justice.

PHIL 401 - Topics in Epistemology

Prerequisite: At least 6 units in PHIL, 3 units of which must be at the 200-level, or consent of Department.

PHIL 486 - Directed Reading I

Prerequisite: consent of Department.

PHIL 498 - Honors Essay

Preparation of the honors essay, required in the fourth year of the Honors program.

PHIL 501 - Epistemology

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