Josh Markle, PhD
Pronouns: he, him, his
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education
Area of Study / Keywords
Mathematics Education Spatial Reasoning Visualization Embodiment Task Design
Josh joined the Faculty of Education at University of Alberta as Assistant Professor (Mathematics Education) in 2022. Prior to that, he taught mathematics education courses at Brock University (Ontario) and the University of Lethbridge (Alberta) and was a secondary mathematics teacher.
Broadly, Josh is interested in students’ and teachers’ experiences in classroom mathematics. Some specific interests include understanding how spatial reasoning skills are developed and used in mathematical problem solving and posing, embodiment and the experience of the body in coming to know and do mathematics, and how mathematics can enable students to flourish, both within and beyond the classroom.
EDEL 316 - Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary School Mathematics
This course provides an introduction to the teaching and learning of mathematics in the elementary classroom. The focus will be on using curriculum, strategies, planning and resources to support student learning. Prerequisite: EDU 100 and 210; pre/corequisite EDU 211. For students in the Elementary After Degree program: pre/corequisite EDU 210, 211, and 300. EDEL 316 is offered as part of Year 3 of the Elementary Program Route.
Featured Publications
Towers, Jo; Markle, Josh; Jacinto, Everton
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 2023 January; 10.1007/s42330-023-00272-3
Markle, Josh
For the Learning of Mathematics. 2022 March; 42 (1):20-24
Layering methodological tools to represent classroom collectivity
McGarvey, L., Glanfield, F., Mgombelo, J., Thom, J., Towers, J., Simmt, E., Markle, J., Davis, B., Martin, L., & Proulx, J.
In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, Á. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. 2022 January; 1
Tentativeness in the mathematics classroom: Two cases of the hand as a landing site
Markle, Josh
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. 2022 January; 39 (September):1-18
Enactive hermeneutics as an interpretive framework in the mathematics classroom
Markle, Josh
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. 2021 January; 37 (August):1-27
How do you feel? Using scribblers in the math classroom to elicit mathematical and personal connections
Markle, Josh; Shivji, Raessa
delta-K: Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. 2021 January; 57 (1):41-47
Markle, Josh
Journal of The Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies. 2019 January; 17 (1):1-11
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