Jonathan Parrish

FSO, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept


FSO, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept
5-81A Medical Sciences Building
8613 - 114 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H7


Area of Study / Keywords


Dr. Jonathan Parrish is currently appointed as Faculty Service Officer in the Department of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.


BIOCH 200 - Introductory Biochemistry

An introduction to the fundamental principles of biochemistry. Protein structure and function; enzymes; lipids and the structure of biological membranes; nucleotides and the structure of nucleic acids; bioenergetics and the catabolism of carbohydrates. Prerequisites: CHEM 101 and CHEM 261 or 164, or SCI 100.

BIOCH 320 - Structure and Catalysis

This course is designed to illustrate, in detail, the relationships between structure and function in biological molecules. It covers: the structure of proteins; experimental techniques used to study proteins; selected illustrations of protein function; enzyme catalysis, kinetics, and regulation; structural carbohydrates and glycobiology; the structure of lipids; biological membranes and mechanisms of transport. Prerequisites: BIOCH 200, CHEM 102 (or SCI 100) and CHEM 263 with a minimum GPA of 2.70 for these three courses. In the case of over-subscription, preference will be given to students enrolled in programs with a requirement for this course.

BIOCH 398 - Research Project

Supervised research within a laboratory in the Department of Biochemistry. The results of the research project will be presented in a poster. This course is available only as a six week Spring or Summer session course. Prerequisites: Credit in at least one 300-level BIOCH course and consent of the Department. BIOCH 398 may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in BIOCH 498 or 499.

BIOCH 401B - Biochemistry Laboratory

Laboratory course in modern biochemical techniques. Designed for Biochemistry Honors and Specialization students in their third or fourth year. Other interested students may enrol subject to space limitations. Prerequisites: BIOCH 320 and 330 with a minimum grade of B-, and consent of Department.

BIOCH 409 - Biochemistry Tutorial

Research and/or reading course. This course allows a student to study an area of biochemistry in much greater detail than is usual in most courses. The format is usually a reading/tutorial in which the student carries out directed reading and meets with the tutor at regular intervals for discussion and further guidance. Term papers or presentations may be used for evaluation purposes. A mature attitude towards learning is essential, as the course often requires independent study and research. Students who have a particular interest in any specific area of biochemistry are encouraged to meet with the faculty members to explore the possibilities of arranging a mutually satisfactory topic. Prerequisites: At least two of BIOCH 410, 415, 420, 425, 430, 441, 455, or 465 and consent of the Department. Available only to students in the Biochemistry Specialization or Honors programs in the final year of their program.

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