Katherine Binhammer, PhD. (York), M.A., B.A.

Professor, Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept


Professor, Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept
Humanities Centre
11121 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



Professor Katherine Binhammer teaches and researches eighteenth-century literature, feminist and sexuality studies, narrative theory and critical finance studies in the Department of English and Film Studies. Her most recent monograph, Downward Mobility: The Form of Capital in the Sentimental Novel (Johns Hopkins UP, 2020), reads stories of loss in the late-eighteenth century for the way their narrative structure takes the form of capital. She has previously published The Seduction Narrative in Britain, 1747-1800 (Cambridge, 2009), and essays in venues such as Narrative, The Cambridge Companion to Women’s Writing in Britain:1660-1789, Feminist Studies, GLQ, Women’s Studies, ELH, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Studies in the Novel and The Journal of the History of Sexuality. She is currently Literary Director of The Orlando Project: Feminist Literary History and Digital Humanities as well as co-author of "A Feminist Literary History of Women's Writing in the British Isles, Orlando Volume One: The Beginnings to 1800" (under contract, Cambridge UP)


I regularly teach undergraduate and graduate courses in eighteenth-century British literature, women's literary history, narrative theory, and gender and sexuality studies. In all of my teaching, I see the classroom as a generative space of intellectual engagement, one where our collective curiosity to understand why, what and for whom a writer is creating hones our critical thinking skills. Teaching, for me, is a collaborative hermeneutical journey into the pleasures of the literary text. 

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