Karsten Loepelmann, BSc, MSc, PhD

Full Teaching Professor, Faculty of Science - Psychology Science

Pronouns: he/him

Personal Website: https://sites.ualberta.ca/%7Ekloepelm/index.html


Full Teaching Professor, Faculty of Science - Psychology Science
P-231 Bio Science - Psychology Wing
11355 - Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E9


Area of Study / Keywords

Human factors & ergonomics Scholarship of teaching & learning Human error in medicine


Full Teaching Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science, College of Natural and Applied Sciences

I have received some awards for my teaching, including the William Hardy Alexander Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 2020; Faculty of Science Instructor of the Month in March, 2017; and the Kathleen W. Klawe Prize for Excellence in Teaching of Large Classes in 2014.


The courses I regularly teach are:


PSYCH 258 - Cognitive Psychology

A survey of findings of theoretical issues in the study of cognition, such as perception, attention, knowledge representation, memory, learning, language, reasoning, and problem solving. Prerequisites: PSYCH 104 or SCI 100. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 282 - Behavior Modification

A study of applications of learning principles and laboratory findings to behavior problems in educational, clinical, and social settings, with emphasis on empirical research demonstrating the effectiveness of behavior modification and cognitive/behavioral techniques. Not open to students with credit in PSYCH 281. Prerequisites: PSYCH 104 or SCI 100. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 367 - Perception

An introduction to theoretical and experimental issues associated with sensory and perceptual experience. Prerequisites: PSYCH 275 or 258. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 403 - Recent Advances in Experimental Psychology: Models and Theories

Discussion of advanced concepts and theories developed by selected fields within experimental psychology. The course will examine the relation between theory and data in these fields. Prerequisites: PSYCH 213 or STAT 151 or 161, and a 300-level PSYCH course. Note: Consult the Department of Psychology webpage for the topics for the year and any additional prerequisites (https://www.ualberta.ca/psychology/undergraduate-studies/courses/special-topics.html). [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 494 - Human Factors and Ergonomics

Scientific knowledge about human behaviours, abilities, limitations, and other characteristics applied to design and use are examined in a range of contexts, from the operation of everyday things to extraordinary systems failures. Prerequisites: A 300-level PSYCH course. [Faculty of Science]

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Featured Publications

Introduction to psychology concept charts.

Weiten, W., McCann, D., & Loepelmann, K. A.

Toronto. 2007 January;