Lia Daniels, PhD
Pronouns: she/her
Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept
- Address
6-123F Education Centre - North
8730 - 112 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2G5
Dr. Daniels came to the University of Alberta in 2008 after completing her PhD in Social Psychology at the University of Manitoba. She is an avid supporter of graduate students. She was the 2017 recipient of the GSA Graduate Student Supervisor Award for the Social Sciences and the 2018 Faculty of Education Graduate Student Teaching Award winner. In 2018 Dr. Daniels was identified as a top-producing female author in educational psychology journals 2009-2016 in an independent analysis undertaken by Greenbaum and colleagues as published in Educational Psychology Review.
Dr. Daniels’ SSHRC-funded research focuses on the experience of motivation and emotions, their antecedents, and their impact across a variety of achievement contexts. She is primarily a quantitative researcher who works from a variety of theoretical lenses including the Control-Value Theory of Emotions, Attribution Theory, Achievement Goal Theory, and Self-Determination Theory. Her overarching objective is to better understand how to support adaptive motivation and emotions thereby contributing to favourable outcomes in school, work, and therapeutic settings. She is currently launching a new program of research to bring motivation frameworks to bear on assessment practices in higher education.
With her students she is currently pursuing topics such as: the emotional lives of teachers; coping with boredom; graduate student self-care and motivation; trauma-informed approaches; motivational interference with body image; and motivation for leisure reading. To support this type of research-rich environment for students, Dr. Daniels directs the Alberta Consortium for Motivation and Emotion (ACME) and as of July 1, 2021 is also Director of the Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation (CRAME). Please visit ACME and CRAME for more information on Dr. Daniels' research bridging motivation and assessment.
EDPY 601 Advanced Doctoral Research Seminar
EDPY 616 Achievement Motivation
EDPY 517 Child and Adolescent Development
EDPY 501 Introduction to Educational Research
EDPY 304 Adolescent Development and Learning
EDPY 303 Classroom Assessment
Dr. Daniels is recruiting one MEd student for Fall 2025 with research interests broadly related to motivation, emotions, and assessment. She is not accepting new PhD students.
EDPY 501 - Introduction to Methods of Educational Research
Priority given to graduate students in the Department of Educational Psychology.
EDPY 601 - Advanced Doctoral Research Seminar
This course is designed to provide doctoral students with a forum to gain skills and discuss topics related to conducting theoretical and applied research relevant to the practice of psychology. Prerequisite: EDPY 501, EDPY 505 or EDPY 503.
Featured Publications
The Role of Motivation in Working Towards Healthy Outcomes with Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
LM Daniels, D Rorem, D Chazan, BS Dueck, D Plesuk, J Pei
Journal of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. 2023 July;
AI Radil, LD Goegan, LM Daniels
Frontiers in Education. 2023 July;
Lia M Daniels, Lauren D Goegan, Patti C Parker
Social Psychology of Education. 2021 February; 24 10.1007/s11218-021-09612-3
Anne C Frenzel, Lia Daniels, Irena Burić
Educational Psychologist. 2021 January; 56 (4):250-264 10.1080/00461520.2021.1985501
Targeting Both Motivation Beliefs and Practices in an Online Intervention for Pre-service Teachers
Daniels, LM, Goegan, LD, Radil, AI, & Dueck, B. S
British Journal of Educational Psychology. 2020 January;
Objective Score Versus Subjective Satisfaction: Impact on Emotions Following Immediate Score Reporting
Daniels, L M
The Journal of Experimental Education. 2019 January; (88):578-594
Enhancing our understanding of teachers’ personal responsibility for student motivation: Mixed insights informing theory, measurement, and practice
Daniels, L. M., Poth, C. A. & Goegan, L. D.
Frontiers: Educational Psychology. 2018 January;
Approaches to classroom instruction and assessment: Understanding the influence of pre-service teachers’ preconceptions.
Daniels, L. M. & Poth, C. A
Educational Psychology. 2017 January; (37):835-853
Concordance between pre-service teachers’ personal responsibilities and intended instructional practices
Daniels, L. M., Radil, A., & Wagner, A.
Journal of Experimental Education. 2016 January; (84):529-553
From Pre-Service to Practicing Teacher: Considering the Stability of Personal and Classroom Mastery and Performance Goals
Daniels, L. M.
Educational Psychology. 2015 January; (35):984-1005
Daniels, L. M., Frenzel, A., Stupnisky, R. H., Stewart, T. L., & Perry, R. P.
British Journal of Educational Psychology. 2013 January;
Individual differences in achievement goals: A longitudinal study of cognitive, emotional, and achievement outcomes
Daniels, L. M., Haynes, T. L., Stupnisky, R. H., Perry, R. P., Newall, N., & Pekrun, R
Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2008 January; (33):584-608