Lukas Roth

Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Finance
Alberta School of Business Chair in Free Enterprise
Research Member, European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)


Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Finance
4-20E Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6

Alberta School of Business Chair in Free Enterprise

Research Member, European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)



Lukas Roth joined the faculty of the Alberta School of Business at the University of Alberta as an Assistant Professor in 2009 and was appointed Associate Professor of Finance in 2015 (with tenure). Lukas has held visiting positions at the Pennsylvania State University, University of Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), Università Cattolica, and Development Bank of Japan. Lukas’ research is focused primarily on corporate finance and sustainable finance. His research has been published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Accounting Research, as well as practitioner-oriented journals, such as the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Lukas is currently teaching in the undergraduate, Master of Financial Management, and MAcc programs at the Alberta School of Business.


FIN 201 - Introduction to Finance

Types of securities and basic methods of valuation. Valuation and selection of physical and intellectual assets. Operation of asset markets and market efficiency. Risk measures and risk reduction methods. Financing policy, including choices between debt and equity financing. Note: Students are expected to have basic familiarity with microcomputer applications. Prerequisite: STAT 161 or equivalent. Pre- or corequisites: MGTSC 212 or 312, ACCTG 200 or 300 or ACCTG 211 or 311. Students may not receive credit for both FIN 201 and FIN 301.

FIN 445 - Sustainable Finance

Capital market participants around the world are increasingly focusing on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues to manage risks and capitalize on new opportunities. This course provides a conceptual and theoretical framework of how ESG issues affect corporations, investors, governments, NGOs, society, and other stakeholders. The goal is to critically assess the motivations and actions of the various agents regarding ESG policies as well as the resulting consequences. This course will be useful for a wide range of finance (and other) professions. Prerequisite: FIN 301.

FIN 807 - Corporate Finance and Valuation

This course builds on the introductory course in finance and discusses advanced corporate finance theory including financial structure, payout policy, cost of capital, valuation of companies, debt and equity financing, and financial planning. Restricted to students registered in the MFM Program.

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Scholarly Activities

Research - Publications

Issuing Equity in the Face of Bad News, 2024, with Mark Huson and Chong Meng, Review of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.

Sexism, Culture, and Firm Value: Evidence from the Harvey Weinstein Scandal and the #MeToo Movement, 2024, with Karl Lins, Henri Servaes, and Ane Tamayo, Journal of Accounting Research 62,  1989-2035.

Director Expertise And Corporate Sustainability, 2023, with Peter Iliev, Review of Finance 27, 2085-2123.
  - Northern Finance Association Best Paper Award on Sustainable Finance, 2020.
  - Summarized in the Blog of the Global Financial Markets Center at Duke University School of Law.

Renewable Governance: Good for the Environment?, 2023, with Alexander Dyck, Karl Lins, Mitch Towner, and Hannes Wagner, Journal of Accounting Research 61, 279-327.
  - FMA Global Conference in Latin America Best Paper Award, 2019.

Cash Holdings and Access to External Finance: Evidence from the Bank Loan Market, 2022, with Adelina Barbalau and Mark Huson, Review of Corporate Finance 2, 65-97.

Do Institutional Investors Drive Corporate Social Responsibility? International Evidence, 2019, with Alexander Dyck, Karl Lins, and Hannes Wagner, Journal of Financial Economics 131, 693-714.
  - Investment for Impact Research Prize, Center for Responsible Business at UC Berkeley-Haas, 2017.
  - Summarized in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.

Learning from Directors’ Foreign Board Experiences, 2018, with Peter Iliev, Journal of Corporate Finance 51, 1-19.
  - Lead Article.
  - Summarized in the Columbia Law School’s Blog on Corporations and the Capital Market.

Creditor Protection Laws, Debt Financing, and Corporate Investment over the Business Cycle, 2017, with Yaxuan Qi and John Wald, Journal of International Business Studies 48, 477-497.

Shareholder Voting and Corporate Governance Around the World, 2015, with Peter Iliev, Karl Lins, and Darius Miller, Review of Financial Studies 28, 2167-2202.
  - RFS Lead Article & Editor’s Choice Article
  - Summarized in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation

Uninvited U.S. Investors? Economic Consequences of Involuntary Cross-Listings, 2014, with Peter Iliev and Darius Miller, Journal of Accounting Research 52, 473-519.
  - Best Paper Award at the 2010 IIROC/DeGroote Conference.

Political Rights and the Cost of Debt, 2010, with Yaxuan Qi and John Wald, Journal of Financial Economics 95, 202-226.
  - Best Paper Award in International Finance at the 2008 FMA Meeting.

How Legal Environments Affect the Use of Bond Covenants, 2011, with Yaxuan Qi and John Wald, Journal of International Business Studies 42, 235-262.
  - Mirae Asset Securities Co., Ltd. Outstanding Paper Award at the 2009 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets.

Shareholder Value: Principles, Declarations, and Actions, 2010, with Petra Joerg, Claudio Loderer, and Urs Waelchli, Financial Management 39, 5-32.

Black's Simple Discounting Rule: A Simple Implementation, 2010, with Claudio Loderer and John B. Long, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 22, 60-68.

The Pricing Discount for Limited Liquidity: Evidence from SWX Swiss Exchange and the Nasdaq, 2005, with Claudio Loderer, Journal of Empirical Finance 12, 239-268.

Socialism and Intrafirm Asset Allocation, 2005, with Petra Joerg and Claudio Loderer, European Financial Management 11, 133-152.

Shareholder Value Maximization: What Managers Say and What They Do, 2004, with Petra Joerg and Claudio Loderer, Die Betriebswirtschaft 64, 335-376.