Lisa Willis

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences

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Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
(780) 492-6105
5-187 Centennial Ctr For Interdisciplinary SCS II
11335 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



Women and people from other marginalized groups continue to face discrimination in STEM fields, which imposes extraordinary challenges for their access to education and healthcare. My research program is focused on finding solutions to the issues surrounding (in)equity in STEM, particularly in the biomedical research space, with the goal of improving the lives of women and people from other marginalized communities. We are achieving this goal by 1) addressing research questions that are of fundamental importance to women’s health and 2) by improving the working environment for people from marginalized communities in STEM fields through research and advocacy. Please see my webpage for more information. 


MICRB 265 - General Microbiology

This course will focus on the structure and physiology of free-living and pathogenic bacteria. The diversity of their metabolic activities, the interaction of microbes with their environment, symbiotic relationships and cell-to-cell communication are major topics. Lectures and laboratory exercises are coordinated to explore topics in basic microbiology, environmental microbiology, molecular microbiology, and the production of economically or medically important products through microbial biotechnology. Prerequisites: BIOL 107 and CHEM 164 or 261. SCI 100 may be used in lieu of BIOL 107 and CHEM 261.

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