Philippe Marcoul
Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology
Job/Research Area
Resource Economics, Industrial Organization, Contract Theory, Development Economics
Sub fields: Economics of cooperatives, Economics of Intellectual Property, Agribusiness Industrial Organization
Publications (since 2008)
"Intrahousehold Moral Hazard Frictions and Household Poverty Traps in Rural India," Dec 2021, with Sandeep Mohapatra and John Pattison-Williams forthcoming in Economics of Transition and Institutional Change. Last version can be downloaded here
"Fish Abundance Information and Fishery's Aggregate Behavior," Sept 2020, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Vol 7(5), pp.933-964. Last version can be downloaded here
“Monetary and Implicit Incentives of the Patent Examiners,” July-August 2020, with Corinne Langinier, Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 110 (2020): 105906.
“Subjective Performance of Patent Examiners and Implicit Contracts,” 2019 with Corinne Langinier, in Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 40, Issue 3, p. 251-266.
"Removing the 'Veil of Ignorance': Nonlinearities in Human Capital Effects on Gender Inequality," October 2018 with Sandeep Mohapatra and Bruno Wichmann in Contemporary Economic Policy. Volume 36, Issue 4, p. 644-666.
“Coordination and Information Sharing about Pest Resistance” with Stéphane Lemarié in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Volume 87, January 2018, Pages 135-149. Download here:
“Search of Prior Art and Revelation of Information by Patent Applicants” with Corinne Langinier in the Review of Industrial Organization. (Lead article) November 2016, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp 399–427. Article download here:
“Spatial Efficiency of Genetically Modified and Organic Crops” with Stefan Ambec and Corinne Langinier in Strategic Behavior and the Environment. 2015, Vol. 5: No. 1, pp 31-59.
“Agents Monitoring Their Manager: A Hard-Times Theory of Producer Cooperation” with Brent Hueth in the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. Volume 24, Number 1, Spring 2015, 92–109.
“A Financial Contracting Approach to the Role of Supermarkets in Farmer’s Credit Access” with Luc Veyssiere, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, July 2010, Vol. 92 (4), pp. 1051–1064.
“Incentive Pay for CEOs in Cooperative Firms” with Brent Hueth, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(5), December 2009: 1218-1223.
The research in this paper is discussed in the Cooperative Business Journal:
“Contributory Infringement Rule and Network” with Corinne Langinier, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 70, Mai 2009: 296–310.
“The Cooperative Firm as Monitored Credit? The case of West Liberty Foods” with Brent Hueth and Roger Ginder, The Journal of Cooperatives, Vol. 23, pp. 106-121, March 2009.
Also Reprinted in “Cooperative Conversions, Failures and Restructurings: Case Studies and Lessons from U.S. and Canadian Agriculture,” Murray Fulton edition Knowledge Impact in Society Press, 2009. P.101-116.
“Can racially unbiased Police Perpetuate Long-Run Discrimination?,” with Helle Bunzel, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 68 (1), October 2008: 36-47.
“Search and active learning with correlated information: Empirical evidence from mid-Atlantic clam fishermen,” with Quinn Weninger, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, Vol. 32, June 2008: 1921-1848.
Other refereed publication:
“Durable Strategies for Fungicides Use: Lessons from the Past and Leads for Improving the Future” (with A.S Walker and others). In: Deising HB; Fraaije B; Mehl A; Oerke EC; Sierotzki H; Stammler G (Eds), "Modern Fungicides and Anti-fungal Compounds", Vol. VIII, pp. 283-288 © 2017 Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, ISBN: 978-3-941261-15-0
Current Projects and work in Progress (please e-mail if you want a copy of these papers)
- "Catch-Pooling Fishing Cooperatives, Abundance Information Search, and Information Management," January 2022.
- “'Blood is thicker than water': Economic implications of food gifting within kinship networks” with Marty Luckert, Sandeep Mohapatra, and Godwin Zigah, June 2020 (under review).
- "Food Gifting, Kinship Networks and Household Food Security: the way they give" with Sally Sun and Henry An. February 2020.
- "Firm Ownership and CEO Incentives: Evidence from Member-Owned Firms" with Brent Hueth, 2016.
- "Rural Producers' Organization, Production Finance and Inclusiveness"
Major professional Responsibilities:
Since 2017, I have organized the seminar and brown-bag series in the Department of Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology.
To see our current program of seminars and brown bags:
To see past events:
Associate Editor: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2014-2017
Associate Editor: Journal of Agricultural Food Industrial Organization, 2007- present
Referee reports for:
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Applied Economics, Economic Journal, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Ecological Economics, Economie Rurale, European Review of Agricultural Economics, International Journal of Business and Economics, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Public Economic Theory, RAND Journal of Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Review of Agricultural Economics, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal.
AREC 488 - Game Theory applied to Resource Economics
AREC 487 - Managing Market Risks in Resource Industry
AREC 582 - Industrial Organization applied to Resource and Food Economics
Award: Best teacher of the year teaching award, 2016, ALES faculty.
2018 Teaching wall of fame award of the ALES faculty.
Featured Publications
Philippe Marcoul, Sandeep Mohapatra and Bruno Wichmann
2016 January;
Philippe Marcoul and Jeff Andrews
2016 January;
Philippe Marcoul and Brent Hueth
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. 2015 January; 24
Philippe Marcoul and Stéphane Lemarié
2015 January;
Philippe Marcoul, Stefan Ambec and Corinne Langinier
Strategic Behavior and the Environment. 2015 January; 5 (1):31-59
Philippe Marcoul and Luc Veyssiere
American Journal of Agricultural Economics.. 2010 January; 92 (4):1051-1064
Philippe Marcoul and Brent Hueth
2010 January;
Philippe Marcoul and Corinne Langinier
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2009 January; 70 (1-2):296-310
Philippe Marcoul and Brent Hueth
American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2009 January; 91 (5):1218-1223
Philippe Marcoul, Brent Hueth and Roger Ginder
The Journal of Cooperatives. 2009 January; 23
Philippe Marcoul and Helle Bunzel
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2008 January; 60 (1):36-47
Philippe Marcoul and Quinn Weninger
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control. 2008 January; 32
Philippe Marcoul, Brent Hueth and John Lawrence
American Journal of Agricultural Economics.. 2007 January; 89 (4):890-903
Philippe Marcoul and Brent Hueth
American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2006 January; 88 (4):866-881
Philippe Marcoul and Brent Hueth
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization. 2003 January; 1 (1):1-15
Philippe Marcoul and Corinne Langinier
Review of Industrial Organization. 49 (3):399-427