M Derek MacKenzie, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
(780) 492-6388
348E South Academic Building
11328 - 89 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2J7



Job/Research Area: Ecosystem Ecology


Major Responsibilities/Research Interests: My research program examines how above- and below-ground processes are affected by both natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Four basic principles guide my research and these are: 1. soil organic matter (SOM) stability is an ecosystem trait that has spatial dependence; 2. SOM stability mediates nutrient bioavailability for plants and microbes; 3. disturbance is a stochastic ecosystem event, which causes temporal and spatial fluctuations in these ecosystem processes; 4. fire creates pyrogenic carbon which is an evolutionary cue and has long-term effects on soil biogeochemistry. Many research questions can be derived from these four basic principles. If this interests you, please see my lab web-site for opportunities.


REN R 305 - Principles and Practices of Land Reclamation and Restoration

Principles and practical techniques currently applied in land reclamation and restoration including: (1) landscape and soil reconstruction practices; (2) passive and active revegetation practices, taking into account the interaction between biotic and abiotic components; and (3) regulations governing land reclamation after industrial disturbance. Prerequisites: REN R 120, REN R 210, and one of REN R 250 or REN R 350.

REN R 401 - Topics in Renewable Resources

Directed study in the multiple aspects of renewable resources. Open to third or fourth year students upon consent of instructor. Some sections require payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

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Featured Publications

Soucémarianadin, L.N., Quideau, S.A., MacKenzie, M.D., Munson, A.D., Boiffin, J., Bernard, G.M., Wasylishen, R.E.

Organic Geochemistry. 2015 January; 82

Das Gupta, S., MacKenzie, M.D., Quideau, S.A.

Geoderma. 2015 January; 259-260

Pinno, B.D., Landhäusser, S.M., Chow, P.S., Quideau, S.A., MacKenzie, M.D.

Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2014 January; 44

Soucémarianadin, L.N., Quideau, S.A., MacKenzie, M.D.

Geoderma. 2014 January; 217-218

Soucémarianadin, L.N., Quideau, S.A., MacKenzie, M.D., Bernard, G.M., Wasylishen, R.E.

Organic Geochemistry. 2013 January; 62

Quideau, S.A., Gupta, S.D., MacKenzie, M.D., Landhäusser, S.M.

Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2013 January; 77

Sorenson, P. T., S. A. Quideau, M. D. MacKenzie, S. M. Landhäusser, and S. W. Oh

Applied Soil Ecology. 2012 January; 49

MacKenzie, M. D. and S. A. Quideau

Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 2012 January; 92

Samrat Alam, M., Cossio, M., Robinson, L., Wang, X., Kenney, J.P.L., Konhauser, K.O., MacKenzie, M.D., Ok, Y.S., Alessi, D.S.

Environmental Technology and Innovation. 2012 January; 6

Pinno, B.D., S.M. Landhausser, M.D. MacKenzie, S.A. Quideau, And P.K. Chow

Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 2012 January; 92